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gossip girl 7 英文-第4章

小说: gossip girl 7 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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〃What a mess。〃 She plained。 

Jenny wasn't sure how Serena could even stand to look at herself in a mirror every day without 
passing out in amazement at her own perfection。 That anyone as perfect as Serena could have 

issues was totally unfathomable。 〃I'm sure you'll figure it out;〃 she told the older girl; being 
suddenly distracted by a photo of Erik van der Woodsen; Serena's hot older brother; propped up on 
Serena's bedside table in a silver Tiffany frame。 Tall and lanky; with the same pale blond hair; cut 
in a long shag framing his face; Erik was a male version of Serena。 Same huge dark blue eyes; 
same full mouth that turned up at the corners; same straight white teeth and aristocratic chin。 In 
the picture he was standing on a rocky beach; tan and shirtless。 Jenny squeezed her bare knees 
together。 Those chest muscles; that stomach; those arms… oh! If boarding school was filled with 
boys who were even half as gorgeous as Erik van der Woodsen; they could sign her up! 

Easy there; cow girl。 

Serena's pink iMac beeped; indicating that she'd just received an e…mail。 

〃Probably one of our fans。〃 Serena joked; although Jenny thought she was serious。 Serena went 
over to her antique letter…writing desk; jiggled her mouse; and clicked on the latest e…mail 

To: SvW@vanderWoodsen。 
From: Sheri@PrincetonTriDs 

Dear Serena; 

Our sorority totally worships Les Best and some of us were at his show this spring; so you can 
imagine how pletely thrilled we were when we heard you were considering attending 
Princeton this fall。 And if you do go to Princeton; you have to bee a Tri Delt。 We already have 
all these amazing fundraising ideas for this year; including a Les Best fashion show to benefit the 
Wild Horses of Chincoteague; featuring us; the Tri Delts; as models! The best part is you won't 
even have to pledge。 Congratulations; Serena; you're already a sister! All you have to do now is 
get your behind up to Princeton a few days early this August so you can get a good room in our 

We totally can't wait。 Big kisses。 

Your sis; 

Serena read the message again and then logged off; staring at the blank screen in shock。 Pushy 
sorority sisters were just about the last people she wanted to hear from; and anyway; wasn't 
Princeton supposed to be sort of intellectual? She picked up the phone to call Blair and then 
slammed it down again; realizing she'd pletely forgotten that Jenny was even there。 Jenny was 
sweet and adorable and everything… but she didn't have; like; homework or a movie to go to or 

See; even perfect goddesses have a bitchy side。 

Jenny slid off the bed and hitched up her extra wide supportive bra straps; guessing she was about 
to be dismissed。 〃You know my brother Dan is singing for the Raves now;〃 she announced。 〃His 
fist gig with them is tomorrow night。 I can put you on the special guest list if you want to e。〃 

Jenny wasn't even sure if there was a special guest list。 All she knew she was getting free because 
she was Dan's sister。 Dan thought he was so famous now that he was a member of a band with the 
number one album on the East Coast; but if she showed up to the gig with Serena… two gorgeous 
models out on the town in matching Les Best dresses… she'd pletely out famous him。 

Serena wrinkled her nose。 She wanted to go to the Raves gig; she really did; but she and her 
parents had already RSVPed yes to some Yale prospective students' get…to…know…you party 
tomorrow night。 She couldn't exactly make her parents go by themselves。 

〃I don't think I can;〃 she explained apologetically。 〃There's this Yale thing I have to go to。 But I'll 
try to get down there if it finishes early。〃 

Jenny nodded and stuffed the issue of W into her Gap tote bag; disappointed。 She'd envisioned 
making an entrance at the Lower East Side club with Serena。 Never mind the Raves… they were 
rock stars; big deal。 She and Serena were supermodels… at least Serena was。 Heads were 
guaranteed to turn; 

Guess she'll have to satisfy herself with being the lead singer's little sister。 Like that would ever be 


〃Crack me like an egg!〃 

Daniel Humphrey glared at himself in his bedroom mirror and took a long drag on a half smoked 
camel。 A lame…voiced wimp in worn khaki…colored corduroys and maroon Gap T…shirt。 Not exactly 

〃Crack me like an egg!〃 he wailed again; trying to look angst…ridden; rebellious; and sickly cool 
all at the same time。 The problem was; his voice always broke when he went into the higher 
ranged; ing out in a breathy whisper; and his face looked soft and young and totally 

Dan rubbed at his bony chin and thought about growing a goatee。 Vanessa had always had a strong 
aversion to facial hair; but what she thought was no longer relevant since they were no longer a 

Almost two weeks ago at Vanessa's eighteenth birthday party at her apartment in Williamsburg; 
Brooklyn; Dan had been discovered by the megapopular indie band the Raves。 Or rather; his 
poems had been。 Thinking they'd both go to NYU next year and live happily ever after; Dan had 
moved in with Vanessa only a few days before。 Butt heir relationship had quickly deteriorated。 
More depressed than usual; Dan had been sitting in a corner during the party; chugging Grey 
Goose vodka straight out of the bottle。 Meanwhile; the Raves showed up at the party and their lead 
guitarist; Damian Polk; stumbled upon a stack of black notebooks filled with Dan's poetry。 
Damian and his band members had gone crazy over the poems; insisting they would work 
perfectly as lyrics。 Their lead singer had just mysteriously quit… rehab anyone? … and so they 
decided to ask Dan to be their front man。 By then Dan was just piss drunk and thought the whole 
thing was totally hilarious。 Throwing himself into the task with drunken fervor; he'd stolen the 
show; electrifying drunken partiers with his brazen performance。 

He thought his was a one time deal; a way of distracting himself from the fact that he'd just broken 
up with the only girl who'd ever loved him。 The next day he discovered he was card…carrying 
member of the band; and pletely in over his head。 

During rehearsals Dan found that his normally sober self was physically incapable of putting out 
the same reckless energy that he'd had at the party; and; pared to the other band members; who 
were all in their twenties and wore clothes tailor…made for them by avant…garde designers like 
Pisolcock and Better Than Naked; he felt like a geeky; squeaky little kid。 He'd even asked Damian 
Polk why in the hell the Raves wanted him to be their lead singer in the first place。 Damian had 
replied simple; 〃It's all about the words; man。〃 

Dude; just because he could write them didn't mean he could sing。 But maybe if he looked more 
like he could sing; he might actually convince people that he deserved to be in the band。 

Dan shuffled through his messy desk drawers searching for the battery…operated beard trimmer 
he'd bought last year during a week of experimenting with the length of his side…burns。 He moved 
on to his little sister Jenny's room; and finally found it under her bed; inexplicably rolled up inside 
and old pink bath towel。 

Little sister lesson number one: If you want to keep your shit; put a padlock on your door。 

Not bothering to return to his own room; he went over to the mirror on the back of Jenny's closet 

door and tugged at the outgrown Mr。 Trendy Artiste haircut he'd gotten soon after he'd made his 
switch from bohemian poet to gritty rock star; it was time for a change。 

Eek! Doesn't everyone know not to try a new look the day before a big event? 

The trimmer buzzed to life and Dan began shaving the back of his neck; watching the light brown 
strands gather on the faded chocolate…colored carpet in mousy clumps。 Then he stopped; worried 
all of a sudden that a beard trimmer didn't have exactly the right sort of blades the shave one's 
entire head with。 It might leave weird red track marks all over his skull; or shave his head 
unevenly so that it looked like his hair had been eaten rather than cut。 

Sure he wanted to look hard…core; but not chewed…head hard…core。 

He debated whether or not to continue。 If he stopped now; the shaved parts could be pletely 
concealed by the rest of his hair until he bent over; and then; voila… a shaved neck。 It was kinda 
cool knowing the shaved part was there without being able to see it。 Then again; an unnoticeable 
hair…cut wasn't exactly the look he was going for。 

He put the beard trimmer down; propped a Camel between his lips; and reached for Jenny's phone。 
If there was one person who knew anything about shaving heads; it was Vanessa。 She'd kept her 
own head shaved sine the ninth grade; and; shunning the expensive salons like Frederic Fekkai 
and Elizabeth Arden's Red Door that her coiffed classmates frequented; insisted on shaving it 
herself。 Secretly he's always thought she looked prettier with a little more hair; but she obviously 
thought she looked great bald; he wasn't about to say anythin

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