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gossip girl 7 英文-第1章

小说: gossip girl 7 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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(A Gossip Girl Novel … 07) 

Cecily Von Ziegesar 

I must be cruel only to be kind 

…William Shakespeare; Hamlet 

Hey people! 
Only two weeks left to make up out minds about which college we want to go to… for those of us 
who have a choice。 Meanwhile; we are busy mastering the art of not flunking out of our last ever 
term of high school while spending as little time as possible actually in school or doing homework。 
If you see a group of immaculately groomed girls shedding their blue…and…white…seersucker 
uniforms and lying out in Sheep Meadow in Central Park in their cute new Malia Mills bikinis; 
that's us。 If you see a group of shirtless boys in rolled…up khakis and bare feet; platinum Cartier 
tank watches gleaming from their tanned; lacrosse…muscled arms; those would be our boyfriends。 
And okay; yeah; it's only 11am on Friday and we're supposed to be in gym or AP French; but we're 
nearing the end of the most difficult year of our lives and we have a lot of excess steam to blow 
off; so cut us some slack; okay? 

Better yet; join us。 

In case you've been hiding under a rock somewhere and don't yet know us… doesn't everyone? … We 
are the belles of the ball; the princesses and princes of New York's Upper East Side。 Most of the 
time we live in penthouse apartment in those stately doorman buildings on Park or Fifth avenues 
or in town houses that take up half a city block。 The rest of the time we're at one of our 〃country〃 
houses; which vary in size and location from pounds in Connecticut or the Hamptons to 
medieval castles in Ireland to beachfront villas in St。 Barts。 Weekdays there is school… yawn… at 
one of Manhattan's small; single…sex; uniform…required private schools。 Weekends we play hard; 
especially now that the weather is fine and our parents are off in their yachts or private jets or 
driver…operated town cars; leaving us crazy kids to do as we please。 

And what pleases us most right now is one of out favorite three…letter words。 You may not be 
doing it; but you're definitely talking about it。 Everyone's talking about it。 And some of us are 
doing it。 Especially。。。。 


They sleep together; eat together; and have started sharing each other's clothes; as if they couldn't 
be bothered with sorting out the rumples pile of his…and…hers clothing beside the bed and just 
shrugged into the nearest thing; knowing it would soon be shrugged off again。 Neither of them can 
go anywhere alone without people asking 〃where's。。。。。。。。。?〃 as if it's totally unbelievable that they 
would spend more than thirty seconds apart。 I know; I can hear you scoffing already。 Like ; how 

boring to have only one boyfriend。 But face it; they're definitely doing more than just talking 
about that three…letter word; which is more than can be said for the rest of us。 

Your e…mail 

Q: Dear GG 
My dad is an independent film producer and he's at Cannes right now for the festival。 Everyone is 
talking about this document about 〃privileged New York City teens;〃 but no one knows who made 
it。 First of all; are you in the film? Second of all; are you the one who made it? 
…LA girl 
A: Dear LA girl 
I can't really answer your first question because I haven't seen the film; but it sounds awfully 
familiar。。。。 A certain shaven…headed girl was following everyone around with a camera a few 
weeks back。。。 As for your second question… I can barely take pictures with my camera…phone! 

S after midnight; tiptoeing out to the mailbox outside her fifth avenue apartment building with her 
arms full of big white envelopes emblazoned with various college crests。 She was wearing an 
itty…bitty baby blue Cosabella nightgown that barely covered her famously gorgeous bottom (to 
the delight of the doormen on duty and all the cabbies stuck in traffic); but tiptoed back inside 
again without nailing anything。 It must be tough making a decision about next year when she got 
into every school she applied to; and maybe even some that she didn't! C taking his military…issue 
scary…looking black boots to Tod's for a little spruce…up。 he's going to be the first cadet ever to 
wear pink tassels in his boots。 D and J fighting over the mirror in H&M。 looks like a little sibling 
rivalry has set in now that they're both so famous。 V at an internet café in Williamsburg IMing 
random strangers。 That girl has no fear。 K and I feasting and scheming in Jackson Hole。 Oh; God; 
what now? No sign of N or B。。。 Jeez; don't they ever get bored of each other? What if they have to 
be apart next year? 

Decisions; decisions。。。。 Where will we all be in one year's time? Can we possibly survive without 
each other? Try not to freak out…yet。 You know where to find me in case you need help; or 
pany; or want to invite me over for one of those spontaneous rooftop parties that 
end…of…the…year seniors are so famous for having。 

You know I love you 
Gossip Girl 


〃Wake up!〃 Blair Waldorf yanked off the Black watch plaid duvet and let it fall to the floor beside 
the antique sleigh bed。 Nate Archibald lay sprawled across the mattress on his stomach; naked and 
very relaxed。 Blair sat down beside him and bounced up and down as hard as she could。 Nate kept 
his eyes closed as her ruthless bouncing jarred his golden brown head up and down。 Why was it 
that s…e…x made her so hyper and him so sleepy? 

〃I'm awake;〃 he mumbled。 He opened one glittering green eye and instantly felt more awake that 
he had a second before。 Blair was naked too; all five feet four inches of her; from her shiny 
coral…glossed toes to the chestnut brown waves of her pixie…cut。 She had the type of body that 
even looked better naked than in clothes。 Soft without being fat; and more delicate than her usual 
costumes of preppy; neatly creased jeans and cashmere cardigans or short; tight little black dresses 
let on。 She was still a pain in the ass; but they'd been in and out of love since they were eleven 
years old; and he wanted to get naked with her for even longer。 How typical it had taken Blair six 
and a half years to stop fighting with him and actually do it。 

And once they'd done it they couldn't stop doing it。 Nate reached up and pulled her down on top of 
him; kissing her randomly and ferociously because she was finally his; all his。 

〃Hey!〃 Blair giggled。 The navy blue silk Romanian blinds were raised and the windows were open; 
but it wasn't like she cared if anyone saw or heard them。 They were in love; they were beautiful; 
and they were sex fiends。 If anyone was looking; it was because they were seriously jealous。 

Besides; she relished the attention; even from the random perverted Peeping Toms and Tomasinas 
who happened to be spying on them through gold…plated opera glasses from windows of the 
surrounding town houses。 

They kissed for a while; but Nate was too worn out to do much else。 Blair rolled away from him 
and lit a cigarette; giving Nate little puffs every once and awhile like the actors in breathless; the 
super…cool black…and…white French film she'd watched earlier that day on AP French。 The blond 
female lead always looked so chic and beautiful and was never without lipstick。 All the people in 
the movie did all day was ride around on a Vespa motorbike; have sex; sit in cafés; and smoke。 Of 
course they always looked gorgeous。 But Blair had to keep her grades up if she wanted to get off 
Yale's wait list; and what with school and homework and sex with Nate everyday after school; 
there was hardly time for primping。 Blair's wavy brown hair was matted and sweaty; her lips were 
chapped from prolonged kissing and infrequent lip gloss application; and she hadn't plucked her 
eyebrows in two whole days。 Not that she really minded。 Sacrificing a little personal grooming 
time for sex was totally worth it。 Besides; she'd read somewhere that an hour of sex burns three 
hundred and sixty calories; so even if she was a little scruffy; at least she'd be skinny! 

She reached up and felt the stubble gathering between her dark; neat arched eyebrows。 Okay; so 
maybe she minded just a teensy bit; but she could always grab a cab down to Elizabeth Arden for 
an eyebrow wax。 

Stubble aside; Blair had never felt so happy。 After finally doing it with Nate nearly two weeks ago; 
she was a whole new woman。 The only dark cloud in her rosy sky was the irritating fact that she 
was still only wait…listed at Yale。 Just exactly how where her and Nate going to get together every 
afternoon if she wound up having to go to Georgetown in DC… the only school that had actually 
accepted her…and he was up at Yale in New Haven; Connecticut; or Brown in Providence; Rhode 
Island; or one of the other great schools he'd so unfairly gotten into? Not that she was bitter; but 
Nate had shown up stoned for the SAT's; took no AP's and barely had a B average; while she was 
in ever AP Constance Billard offered; had gotten a 1490 on her SAT; and had almost an A+ 
average。 Okay so maybe she was slightly bitter。 

〃If I joined the peace Corps and spent a couple of years building sewers and making sandwic

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