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gossip girl 11 英文-第43章

小说: gossip girl 11 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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fabulously chic Web…logging gossip is already taken。 

And while we?re all busy reinventing ourselves; there will be a whole new set of gorgeous girls 
in our school uniforms and TSE cashmere cardigans trying on oversize tortoiseshell sunglasses at 
Barneys after school。 It?s hard to believe; but we?ll soon be?sigh?replaced by the guys and girls 
who have been carefully studying us from afar。 So consider this our last hurrah: it?s our chance to 
take the silver Range Rover LR3s we got for graduation for a ride at daybreak around 
Manhattan?s silent streets。 Our last chance to wake up the investment banker next door with 
rooftop parties at our Fifth Avenue townhouses。 To spend a fortune on Chlo? bags and Marchesa 
gowns at Bergdorf?s on daddy?s black AmEx card。 Ah; heaven。 Speaking of which 。 。 。 

trouble in paradise 。 。 。 

Everyone who?s anyone saw or has heard about the spectacle ofB andN atS ?s birthday party up 
at her country house in Ridgefield; Connecticut; last month。 But was I the only one who sawS 

standing out by her pool that night; dipping her toes in the water and wiping her face with the back 
of her hand afterB andN disappeared upstairs? Were those real tears? Seems mighty close to a 
certain perfume ad if you ask me。 。 。 。 And what did she think of their early a。m。 departure on her 
birthday morning?B andN may have sailed off into the sunset?literally: their sailboat was last seen 
due south of Hyannis?but how long can they really stay at sea? Something tells me there?s more 
drama on the sun…splashed horizon。 

。 。 。 and trouble on the home front 

No one?s ever accusedD of being happy; but I?ll be the first one to call him out on being pretty 
darn 。 。 。 gay。 And not just the metrosexual; let?s…go…shopping at Thomas Pink kind?although his 
wardrobe could do with a little spruce…up?but the kissing…other…boys…kind。 Is he ready to e out? 
Or will he succumb toV ?s prickly…headed charms and go hetero once again? If not; I can always 
hire him to redecorate my bedroom 。 。 。 or not。 

 your e…mail 

 Q:Dear GG; 

I was atS ?s legendary pre…birthday bash in Ridgefield last month; and I could?ve sworn I saw 
her sneak out toN ?s Aston Martin at; like; 6 a。m。 and shove something in the glove partment。 
Okay; so I?d hadway too many Tanqueray gimlets; but it looked awfully suspicious。 Whatever she 
had in her hand looked a lot like an envelope?but full of what; I wonder。 Whatever it was was 
probably totally illegal; but I passed out before I could find out。 Any ideas? 

?Confused and Still Hammered 

 A:Dear CSH; 

Confused is right。 Our sweetS may have dated a rock star; but she does not party like one?at least 
not lately。 I?ll bet anything what you saw inS? s hand was a simple letter。 So the real question is; 
What did it say? I?m one curious cat; and believe me; my kittens; when I find out; we?ll all be 
purring with contentment。 


 Q:Dear GG; 

My dad is a producer here in Beverly Hills; and last night he screened a rough cut ofBreakfast at 
Fred?s in our screening room; and all I can say is 。 。 。 wow! I always thought thatS was just 
another ditzy; genetically blessed socialite; but that girl can really act! 

?Beverly Hills Brat 

 A:Dear BHB; 

Tell me something I don?t know。 The buzz overBreakfast at Fred?s has reached the East Coast; 
too?I overheard two studio execs at an Amagansett cocktail party (and; no; I?m not divulging 
which one) agree thatBAF is going to be the break…out hit of the fall season?can you say 
pull…outVanity Fair cover? Buzzzzzzzzz。 。 。 。 



Swandering all over New York City in a pair of enormous; quilt…patterned black Chanel 
sunglasses; feeding the ducks inCentral Park and going to old movies at theAngelika by herself; 
looking rather lonely。 I?m sure there are more than a few boys out there who?d be happy to keep 
her pany。 。 。 。 A thirty…foot boat that looks a mighty lot like theCharlotte approaching the wharf 
atBattery Park; one brunette girl and one sandy…blond boy aboard。 S might have pany sooner 
than she thinks。 。 。 。V atBarnes & Noble on Eighty…third and Broadway; standing nervously in the 
checkout line; a book entitledLove Me; I?m Gay tucked under one arm。 A little light summer 
reading? Our old friendJ at the airport in Prague waving goodbye as a wild…haired woman in a 
turquoise caftan boarded a New York…bound plane。 Isn?tJ the one who?s supposed to be heading 
back? Maybe it?s an exchange program。 。 。 。K andI inthe Conran Shop on 60th and 1st; selecting 
dorm room furniture to be shipped to Rollins next week。 Umm; word to the wise; girlies: you 
might not have room for that cherry…red Eames sofa in your ten…by…ten double unless you?re both 
planning on sleeping on it。 。 。 。 With those two; you never know。 

Okay; my darlings; I?m off to the SoHo House rooftop pool with my favorite gossip rags in hand 
to enjoy the last days of this hot and sultry summer。 Want to join me? Oops; too bad; it?s members 
only。 Maybe you can sneak up the back stairway。 After all; it?s almost time for that pre…college; 
back…to…school shopping spree at Barneys; and I want to look my tanned and freckled best for my 
dressing room debut。 I?ve had my eye on a little ivory wool Stella McCartney jumper for months。 
And; as always; you know I have my eye onyou。 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

Once upon a time on the Upper East Side of New York City; two beautiful girls fell in love with 
one perfect boy。 。 。 。 

Turn the page for a sneak peek of 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

it had to be you 

the gossip girl prequel 

and find out how it all began。 

by the #1New York Times bestselling author 

Cecily von Ziegesar 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

Ever have that totally freakish feeling that someone is listening in on your conversations; spying 
on you and your friends; following you to parties; and generally stalking you? Well; they are。 Or 
actually;I am。 The truth is; I?ve been here all along; because I?m one of you。 

Feeling totally lost? Don?t get out much? Don?t know who ?we? are? Allow me to explain。 
We?re an exclusive group of indescribably beautiful people who happen to live in those majestic; 
green…awninged; white…glove…doorman buildings near Central Park。 We attend Manhattan?s most 
elite single…sex private schools。 Our families own yachts and estates in various exotic locations 
throughout the world。 We frequent all the best beaches and the most exclusive ski resorts。 We?re 
seated immediately at the nicest restaurants in the chicest neighborhoods without a reservation。 
We turn heads。 But don?t confuse us with Hollywood actors or models or rock stars?those people 
you feel like you know because you hear so much about them; but who are actually pletely 
boring pared to the parts they play or the songs they sing。 There?s nothing boring about me or 
my friends; and the more I tell you about us; the more you?re going to want to know。 I?ve kept 
quiet until now; but something has happened and I just can?t stay quiet about it。 。 。 。 

the greatest story ever told 

We learned in our first eleventh…grade creative writing class this week that most great stories 
begin in one of the following fashions: someone mysteriously disappears or a stranger es to 
town。 The story I?m about to tell is of the ?someone mysteriously disappears? variety。 

To be specific;S isgone。 

In order to unravel the mystery of why she?s left and where she?s gone; I?m going to have to 
backtrack to last winter?the winter of our sophomore year?when the La Mer skin cream hit the fan 
and our pretty pink rose…scented bubble burst。 It all started with three inseparable; perfectly 
innocent; ?ber…gorgeous fifteen…year…olds。 Well; they?re sixteen now; and let?s just say that two of 
them arenot that innocent。 

If anyone is going to tell this tale it has to be me; because I was at the scene of every crime。 So 
sit back while I unravel the past and reveal everyone?s secrets; because I know everything; and 
what I don?t know I?ll invent; elaborately。 

Admit it: you?re already falling for me。 

Love you too 。 。 。 

 gossip girl 

the best stories begin with one boy and two girls 

?Truce!? Serena van der Woodsen screamed as Nate Archibald body…checked her into a 
three…foot…high drift of powdery white snow。 Cold and wet; it tunneled into her ears and down her 
pants。 Nate dove on top of her; all five…foot eleven inches of his perfect; golden…brown…haired; 
glittering…green…eyed; fifteen…year…old boyness。 Nate smelled like Downy and the Kiehl?s 
sandalwood soap the maid stocked his bathroom with。 Serena just lay there; trying to breathe with 
him on top of her。 ?My scalp is cold;? she pleaded; getting a mouthful of Nate?s snow…dampened; 
godlike curls as she spoke。 

Nate sighed reluctantly; as if he could have spent all day ou

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