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gossip girl 11 英文-第34章

小说: gossip girl 11 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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Chips with the rope。 ?I just wanted to make you sweat a little。? His phone rang again in his pocket 
and he pulled it out?even though he knew who was calling。 He silenced the ringer。 

Chips arched an eyebrow。 ?Which one is it? Does she know where you?ve gone?? ?She doesn?t。 
Neither of them knows; actually。 They both think I?m meeting them at Grand Central right now。? 
Nate thought about Blair and Serena standing in the train station; wondering where he was; and 
felt bad?but only for a minute。 He closed his eyes as he pictured Blair?s excited; happy face and 
Serena?s wide; gorgeous smile。 It really was better this way?for everyone?whether they realized it 

or not。 Serena and Blair would be friends again?without him getting in the way all the time。 

?You didn?t even tell them?? Chips coiled a length of rope around one arm; his brow 
furrowed。 ?Did nothing of my using…your…balls speech make its way through that thick hair of 
yours and into your head?? Nate looked out to sea。 The sky above him was flooded with bright 
morning light that bounced off the calm surface of the water。 ?No 。 。 。? he began。 ?I got it。 It?s 
just 。 。 。 better this way。 If I?d told them; they would have tried to stop me from leaving。? His 
phone started beeping wildly; breaking the perfect silence of the calm morning。 Nate pulled it out 
of his pocket and silenced it again。 ?And I might have let them。? He glanced at the phone in his 
hand and its screen flashing 18 MISSED CALLS。 He flipped it open and punched at the keypad; 
knowing exactly what he needed to say in his text。 He pressed SEND and then SEND again。 And 
then he brought his throwing arm back and tossed the phone out to sea。 It made a tiny splash as it 
hit the calm surface of the water。 

Chips nodded approvingly and Nate grabbed a rope to hoist the sail; giving it a fierce pull。 The 
sail rose above him; fluttered in the breeze; and then grew taut。 

?We?re off!? Chips cried as the boat motored out into the harbor。 

Nate watched the dock grow smaller and smaller。 Maybe college was the right choice for most 
people; but it wasn?t for him?at least not now。 Yale could wait。 He needed time to figure out who 
he was and what he really wanted; and he was never going to do that if every spare minute was 
taken up with classes; papers; and 。 。 。 Blair。 Or Serena。 

The tall buildings of Manhattan began to recede into the distance; and the spires of the Chrysler 
building and the Empire State building became tiny toy versions of themselves。 The island Nate 
had called home his whole life suddenly looked 。 。 。 small。 He planted his feet on the teak planks 
of the deck and turned his head into the wind as they sailed off into the sparkling; endless blue。 

Like we?re never going to hear from him again? Not a chance。 The world is big; but notthat big。 

the long goodbye 

Blair crossed her arms and tapped her toe impatiently on the platform as the train began to fill up 
with hundreds of luggage…toting passengers。 She was so fucking on edge that she felt like she 
might throw up。 The bright silver train cars were momentarily engulfed in a white cloud of 
exhaust; and Serena coughed; one hand covering her mouth。 

Blair dialed Nate?s number for the bazillionth time and sighed as it rang and rang and then went 
to voice mail。 ?Nate; it?s me;? she snapped into the phone。 ?I?m here on the platform at Grand 
Central 。 。 。 waiting。Where are you?? She glanced around and exhaled heavily; blowing her dark 

hair off her now…sweaty forehead。 ?You better get your ass here intwo seconds or you?ll miss the 
train!? She closed her cell with a snap。Where could he be? 

Serena?s voice broke through her thoughts。 ?Blair; I?I don?t think Nate?s ing。? Blair 
whipped around to face her。 ?What do you mean;not ing ? Why not?? Serena looked down; 
playing with the ends of her hair。 

Her voice was small and slightly muffled。 ?Just because you got him into Yale again doesn?t 
mean he wants to go。? She lifted her head; her eyes shining。 ?The truth is; Blair 。 。 。 the truth is; I 
love Nate too。 And he knows。 Because I told him。? Uh…oh。 

Blair opened her mouth in shock; but before she could utter one venomous word; both girls? 
phones began to chirp maniacally。 

Serena pulled her phone out?anything to avoid Blair?s angry eyes。 The screen read; ONE NEW 
TEXT MESSAGE。 She opened it。 

?It?s from Nate。?Blair whispered; holding up her phone。 

?To both of us。? 

Serena looked down at her screen and read: 


The train hissed on the tracks。 Serena bit her bottom lip and looked up at Blair?s shocked face。 
Nate had left?left them both。 He loved them; but he didn?t want to be with either of them。 Serena 
hugged herself; feeling unsteady on her feet。 Blair looked like she was about to pass out。 

And then; to Serena?s utter surprise; Blair began to giggle; small; hiccupping; hysterical giggles。 
Serena threw her arms open and hugged her friend; laughing and crying at the same time。 

?Oh; Serena;? Blair gasped; ?Don?t you see? It?sso classic。 He just sailed off into the sunset 
without even saying goodbye。? As much as she wanted her own life to be like an old 
black…and…white movie; Nate?s departure was far more cinematic than anything she could have 
e up with。 

The two girls clutched each other; their faces wet with tears as passersby on the platform turned 
to stare and whisper。 The loudspeaker above their heads crackled with static; and then a booming 
voice filled the underground space。 

This is the 10 o?clock to New Haven stopping at Stamford; Noroton Heights; Darien; South 
Norwalk; Norwalk; Bridgeport; Stratford; Milford; and New Haven。 Ten o?clock to New Haven。 

All aboard! 

Blair wiped the tears from her cheeks and straightened the bottom of her dress。 Nate wasn?t there; 
but she still couldn?t wait to get on that train。 Serena was going to be a big movie star; Nate was 
off sailing around the world; and she was going to Yale?her dream since she was a little girl。 And 
who knew what might happen there? Maybe she?d meet some gorgeous lacrosse player with 
golden blond hair and glittering green eyes who wasn?t a total flake。 

??Bye。? Serena whispered in her ear; her voice giddy with emotion。 ?Call me?? ?Definitely。? 
Blair boarded the train on her own; adjusting her white pillbox hat and black Chanel sunglasses。 
She didn?t know what Yale?or the future?would hold; but she couldn?t find wait to find out。 

Serena stepped back on the train platform as the doors began to close。 But before they shut 
entirely; she and Blair blew each other kisses one last time; and yelled in unison: 

?You know you love me!? 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

It?s time to say goodbye; my darlings; because at this point; everyone who?s anyone is on their 
way to college。 Except for those of us who have the good sense to stay right here in old NYC。 But 
if you find yourself feeling left behind; don?t be sad。 There?salways a silver lining。 Like 。 。 。 

(5) Now that your older (probably prettier and more perfect) best friend is gone; it?s your turn to 
really shine。 By the time the first day of school rolls around; you?ll be ruling the hallways and 
wearing that imaginary diamond…encrusted tiara。 
(4) No one?s here to scoff at your new back…to…school look?so go for it。 After all; this ing 
school year will probably be the most important of your social existence; so go for those new; 
sex…kittenesque bangs。 The boys will e barking?trust me。 
(3) You?re finally free to make out with everyone you?ve ever had a crush on。 Senior year is 
basically a get…out…of…jail…free card?like Las Vegas; whatever happens during senior year stays 
here; so its okay to take some chances and flirt your tushy off?you never know what might happen 
if you do! 
(2) The city is now yours?take advantage。 Remember; next year you might be stuck on the green; 

leafy campuses of Yale or Princeton with nary a Barneys or Bergdorf?s in sight。 Time to explore 
the limits of your charge card?as if you need the reminder。 

(1) And the number…one reason not to feel sad about being left behind is 。 。 。 things are not going 
to get boring around here?not if I have anything to do with it。 Which; of course; I will。 

D?s momJ at the Upper West Side branch of the New York Public Library; wearing a silk kimono 
and purple fuzzy slippers; attempting to donate the bookHomoSensuality while insisting it?s 
essential to any great library。B on the train looking very Audrey; being helped with her bags by a 
hottie in a Yale T…shirt。S walking past La Goulue on Madison; a big smile on her face; getting 
stopped byeveryone 。D at a rest stop in Pennsylvania; cooing sweet nothings into his cell phone 
while drinking entirely too much black coffee。V strolling through the NYU campus near 
Washington Square Park in the ear

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