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gossip girl 11 英文-第17章

小说: gossip girl 11 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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insomnia。 ?Vanessa and I are sharing your old room。? ?Then I guess it?s sofa city for me。? His 
sister sighed; pulling out a bulging floral toiletry case from her bag。 Dan stood up; raising his arms 
over his head and yawning loudly。 As weird and unexpected as it was to have both his mother and 
Jenny home; it felt kind of nice to have everybody under one roof。 

Well;almost everybody 。 。 。 there?s one roommate still missing。 

Just then; the door to his room creaked open; and their mom shuffled out; picking sleep from the 
corners of her eyes。 Her voluminous pink robe billowed out behind her as she moved; her fuzzy 
slippers scraping the floor。 Dan watched as her eyes focused on her youngest child; and her face lit 
up with surprise。 

?Jenny!? she exclaimed rushing over and folding her daughter into her tentlike arms; ?You?re 
here! You didn?t burn my apartment down; did you?? ?Nope。 I just wanted to be with you guys。? 
She squeezed her mother back。 Dan watched as his mom smoothed back Jenny?s unruly nest of 
hair and kissed her on the forehead。 He couldn?t help but be touched at Jenny?s optimistic; girlish 
enthusiasm。 If his being gay had brought his family together; maybe it wasn?t such a bad thing 
after all。 

?Such a sweetheart。? Jeanette touched Jenny?s face with her palm。 ?I?ll make some oolong。? She 
breezed past Dan; stopping to smooth his hair like a mother who?d been smoothing hair all her 

Tea? That probably meant girl talk。 And Dan wasn?t sure he was ready to be one of the 
girls。 ?I?m going to bed;? he announced; shuffling toward his room。 

?See you in a few hours;? Jenny replied with a yawn; stretching as she followed their mom into 
the kitchen。 

??Night; baby!? Jeanette called out from the kitchen sink; where she was busily filling the kettle 
with water。 

Dan walked into his room and shut the door; then climbed into the empty bed。 He could hear his 
mom and sister chattering away in the kitchen; whispers interspersed with the occasional giggle。 

How could they have so much energy this late at night? He?d never understand women。 But then 
again; he barely understood himself。 Dan sighed and watched the night change from purple to gray 
in the early morning light as he finally drifted into sleep; still wondering sleepily where Vanessa 
was and if she was okay。 

Aren?t we all。 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

The end of summer is almost here; and the Waldorf Rose farewell party at the Met is rapidly 
approaching。 If you haven?t heard?if you?ve been; say; camping in Siberia; for instance?Davita 
Fjorde; public relations guru to the cr?me de la cr?me (otherwise known as you and me); is 
planning the party and probably clicking her rhinestone…heeled Jimmy Choos right at this very 
moment; making amazing things happen。 So break out those spanking new Christian Louboutins 
and a barely…there Zac Posen cocktail dress and book your hair and makeup appointments at 
Fekkai。 After all; it?s your last chance to satisfy that secret crush on the cute boy you never had 
the nerve to talk to。 It?ll be the last time you?ll see your fellow classmates?thank God。 (Hey; I?m 
just being honest?so sue me。) And it?s your last chance to gossip about the people you love the 
least?or most! So let?s get to it; people; because it?s been one hell of an exciting week。 

 your e…mail 

 Q:Dear GG; 

So I e…mailed my new roomie; and she told me she?s from NYC and graduated from Constance 
Billard; and that got me thinking; OMG maybe she knows Serena van der Woodsen fromBreakfast 
at Fred?s ?my favorite movie of all time! My best friend?s movie producer dad screened it at their 
house a few weeks ago; and we?ve watched it; like; twenty…two times already! Did you hear that 
Serena is going to Yale? Guess what? Me too!! I so can?t wait to meet her。 

?Crazy for Serena 

 A:Dear CFS; 

Constance Billard is a pretty small school; and; on top of that; Manhattan is a pretty small island。 
Everyone knowseveryone here?or at least; everyone worth knowing! You can be sure that your 
new roomie knowsS; or at the very least has been at a party with her once or twice。 Here?s a 

thought that might just make you pee your pants: maybe your new roomieisS ?! 


 Q:Dear GG; 

I just got back from Europe and Ireally want to score an invite toB ?s party at the Met! Can you 

help? How can I get invited at the last minute? 

 ?Missing Out 

 A:Dear MO; 

Ah; the pain of not getting an invite?not something I can personally relate to; but I?m sure it 
really sucks。 What I have to say won?t make you feel any better?but at least it?s honest: there?s 
always next year! So invite some friends over and spend the night watchingLost reruns。 Your time 
will e?and sooner than you think。 



A group of totally bizarro Brooklyn hipsters; doing a run…through of their ?Ode to Love? 
inProspect Park at sunrise。 Practicing for something? There?s one invite we?re glad we didn?t get! 
And speaking of sunrise; a very intoxicatedV and her soon…to…be…betrothed sister;R; were seen 
falling all over each other on their way up the stairs toR ?sWilliamsburg apartment ?a long 
blonde 。 。 。 something 。 。 。 dragging behind them。C and some spectacled; cute geek at theMagnolia 
Bakery in the West Village; licking frosting off of each other?s pink cupcakes; and feeding C?s 
monkey spoonfuls of banana pudding; looking very smug and practically married。 

 pre…party planning 

And you know what that means: it?s time to hit the stores。 I?m off to stroll Fifth and take in more 
of Manhattan?s finest than my American Express black card can possibly hold。 But; then again; it 

has no limits?and neither do I! 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

s and b shop till they drop 

Serena held an ivory Calvin Klein silk dress up to her slender shoulders; her blond hair falling 
over her back in a beautiful; tangled mess。 The slick material draped over her perfect body like 
running water。 Blair had tried that dress on earlier in the week; but it had looked like shit on her。 

 Jealous much? 

?What do you think?? Serena turned to face Blair; her face flushed and glowing despite the 
unspeakably horrible fluorescent light of the dressing room。 Blair didn?t answer。 Shouldn?t Serena 
know by now thateverything looked good on her? If she didn?t; Blair certainly wasn?t going to tell 

?Ugh。? Serena placed the dress back on the hanger。 ?It?d probably look better on you anyway。? 
Blair rolled her eyes and stomped out of the dressing room。 Serena had been tiptoeing around her 
since they?d met up in front of Barneys half an hour ago。 First of all; she had brought her an iced 
latte and a fudge brownie?Blair?s favorite bination?and now there was all this ass…kissing talk 
about the dress。 Why was Serena being sonice all of a sudden? Not that she wasn?t always 
nice?but this was overly; cloyingly nice。 

Blair grabbed a Milly NY green…and…gold brocade print dress and held it up to her body; fluffing 
her newly extensioned hair with one hand。 Her new golden streaks looked amazing against the 
metallic thread of the dress。 Serena came thwacking out of the dressing room; her tanned legs 
extending from a short white miniskirt; turquoise flip…flops on her feet。 

?Hey!? she exclaimed; walking up to Blair。 ?That?ll look incredible on you!? Blair stayed silent 
as she hung the dress back on the rack with a snap of her wrist and began manically flipping 
through a rack of Stella McCartney tunics。 

?So;? she began; her voice casual as she turned to face her friend; ?where were you yesterday? I 
called to see if you wanted to get your hair done with me; but I kept getting your voice mail。? 
Serena looked at the floor; the windows; at the rows of shining; expensive dresses surrounding 
them?anywhere but Blair?s face。 Did Blair know what had happened between her and Nate? Had 
Nate said something? Serena didn?t think so; but she couldn?t be sure either。 She?d thought that if 
she and Blair went shopping the way they used to; that everything would somehow magically go 
back to normal?in spite of the fact that absolutelynothing was normal anymore。 

Blair had been in love with Nate for as long as Serena could remember。 The problem was;so had 
she。 And after spending the entire day and night in bed together yesterday; Serena was positive 
Nate loved her too。 She tried to hide the ridiculous smile that was in grave danger of spreading 
across her face。 She and Nate were finally; really;seriously going to be together soon?just as soon 
as Blair left for Yale on Sunday。 Serena didn?t want to hurt her?that was thelast thing she wanted 
to do?but she was ecstatic to have finally won Nate?s heart。 Even if it meant breaking Blair?s。 
Ugh。 Why did she always have to choose between her best friend and her boyfriend? 

Um 。 。 。 because technically he?sBlair?s boyfriend? 

?Yesterday? I don?t remember what I wa

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