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gossip girl 11 英文-第14章

小说: gossip girl 11 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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Scrabble tiles。 ?Where were we?? ?Well 。 。 。? Eleanor motioned to Serena; her gold Cartier Love 
bracelets clinking loudly against one another。 ?I was just telling Serena we have a lot to celebrate 
right now。 In addition to everyone leaving for college; there?s?? 

?We?re hoooooooome!? A taunting; singsongy girl?s voice called out from the foyer; a voice 
Serena would know anywhere。 Her heart fluttered。 The sound of bags being thrown onto the 
marble floor was followed by the unmistakable patter of Blair?s light; quick steps。 Serena 
swallowed hard; watching as Nate and Blair appeared in the doorway of the Waldorf Roses? 
massive; antique…strewn living room; hands clasped; looking sun…kissed; glowing; and more 
gorgeous than ever。 

As if that were even possible。 

Nate?s green eyes lit up when he spotted Serena sitting on the couch; and she smiled weakly; her 
stomach folding like pancake batter。 Just the sight of him in his stained and wrinkled cutoff khakis 
and ratty gray T…shirt made her feel lightheaded。 The last time she?d seen him; standing at the top 
of the staircase at her family?s house in Ridgefield while she hovered at the bottom; the whole 
world had gone quiet as she overheard him telling Blair he loved her。Loved 。 With those words 
ringing in her ears; something in Serena had finally clicked。 She?d watched him lead Blair upstairs 
and right then she knew as surely as she?d ever known anything thatshe loved Nate。 And now that 
he was standing right in front of her with her on…again…off…again best friend; she knew it was really 
true。 She loved Nate with her entire heart。 It was something she?d always known; deep down。 
Why hadn?t she done anything about it until it was too late? 

She shook her long blond locks; trying to remember to act like a normal friend and not a 
love…struck freak。 She jumped to her feet and ran across the room; her fuchsia flowered Calypso 
flip…flops thwacking all the way; and threw her arms around Blair; squeezing tightly。 All at once 

Serena felt suffocated by the scent of Nate?s Right Guard deodorant clinging to her best friend?s 
skin。 She pulled back; looking hopefully at Blair; who was still latched onto Nate?s hand。 ?I 
missed you。? But Blair wasn?t smiling back。 In fact; she looked less than pleased to see 
Serena?she looked downright pissed。 Serena began to gnaw on her Sephora Supernova…polished 
thumbnail。 Blair could be so scary sometimes。 Hadshe found the letter? Oh God。Why hadn?t she 
thought of that before? 

As she wrapped her arms again around Blair?s rigid; sun…baked body; she couldn?t help looking 
over Blair?s shoulder at Nate。 His golden…brown hair was wavier than usual from the salt water。 It 
fell across his tanned forehead and he pushed it away; smiling widely as they made eye contact。 
His lips looked chapped and swollen; like he?d been making out with Blair all night long?which 
he probably had been。 The thought nearly made her choke。 

?Looking good; Natie;? Serena sighed wistfully; unable to keep the words from escaping her lips。 
She pulled gently away from Blair; tendrils of golden hairs escaping her ponytail。 Nate dropped 
Blair?s hand abruptly and moved toward Serena; opening his arms。 Serena rushed in to hug him; 
wrapping her arms around his taut waist and holding on tight。 He squeezed her back with a 
fierceness that Blair?s hug had lacked。 Had he found her letter after all? 

?What are you guys doing here?!? Serena?s voice was breathless as she buried her face in Nate?s 
warm; soft neck。 Blair stared at them; her blue eyes narrowing。 

Shouldn?t they be askingher that question? 

the more things change; the more they stay the same 

Serena purred happily; snuggling closer to Nate?s warm; naked body。 Lying in his arms felt so 
incredibly right。 When they?d lost their virginity to each other; more than two years ago; it had 
been amazing; their every curve a perfect fit。 This time was no different?they?d sunk into the soft 
sheets and each other?s bodies like they had been made for one another。 Serena couldn?t believe 
how fortable she felt with Nate?how fortable she?d always been with him。 She never; 
ever wanted to get out of bed。 Couldn?t they just stay wrapped in each other?s arms forever; 
ordering Chinese takeout every few hours and feeding each other greasy spareribs? 

Nothing says romance like pork…fried rice! 

She buried her nose in his ear and he pulled her close; wrapping the sheet around their naked; 
sweaty bodies。 Serena reached up; twining her arms around Nate?s neck。 

The minute his lips had touched hers and their clothes had fallen away; Serena knew she?d been 
right all along?she really loved him。 She felt like she was going to burst with it; and had been 

holding the words in for so long that all she wanted to do now was repeat them over and over 

?Serena?? Nate asked; rolling on his side and propping his head up on one hand。 

?Yes; Natie?? She rolled him back over and placed her head on his chest; snuggling under his 
armpit。 She loved the sound of her name when he said it。 

?I have something to tell you。? He traced his fingertips along her bare shoulders。 It felt electric。 

Serena sat up; pulling the sheet with her to cover her smooth skin; her blond hair falling over her 
bare back。 ?What?? She whispered; trying to stay calm。 

?I didn?t get my diploma;? he said quietly。 He grabbed her kilted teddy bear from the corner of 
her all…white canopy bed and hugged it。 ?I?m not going to Yale next year?I?m going to have to 
stay here in New York and repeat senior year。? Serena opened her eyes wide with surprise。 Not 
going to Yale? Did Blair know? She looked at her teddy; as if he might convey some answers; and 
pulled the covers up higher around her torso; shrugging off the thought of Blair; because with it 
would e guilt; masses and masses of guilt。 

?I wish I could just take off。? Nate pulled a faded green T…shirt over his head; his voice muffled 
inside the soft cotton。 ?Just sail away and never e back。? His head popped through the cloth; 
and he pulled the material over his tanned chest。 

He ran his hands through his hair and flopped back down next to her。 Her eyes were so brilliantly; 
deeply blue that it was hard for him to imagine ever looking anywhere else。 He looked at her 
tanned; lightly freckled face; and he knew that he?d never forget the way she looked right now?her 
cheeks flushed pink; her long body wrapped up in white sheets?as long as he lived。 

If Blair finds out; that might not be for long。 

?What are you going to do?? Serena asked; pushing her hair from her face。 

?Stay here; I guess;? Nate answered dejectedly。 ?It?s not like I?ve got much of a choice。? Serena 
stroked his hand; wishing she could kiss him and make this all better。 The late…afternoon sunlight 
filtered in through the open windows; and she looked out at the wide blue sky outside。 She could 
hear the faint sounds of the city below; the buses rumbling by with the posters of her face on their 
sides。 Suddenly her pulse began to race。 ?You know 。 。 。 I?m not so sure about going to Yale either;? 
she said quietly。 

?What?? Nate demanded; his green eyes glittering。 ?Why?? ?Well; I keep trying to picture it 。 。 。 
but I just can?t。? She had been about to say;whenever Blair talks about it ; but then she stopped 
herself。 ?And then at that press conference yesterday; the director announced that he?s filming the 
sequel toBreakfast at Fred?s in New York in a month and 。 。 。 I don?t know。 I just 。 。 。 I think I need 

to stay here。? The minute the words left her lips; Serena knew they were true。 She wasn?t sure if 
she?d ever really wanted to go to Yale; but she knew for certain she didn?t want to go to Yale 
without Nate。 And from the way he was staring at her; it looked like the feeling was pletely 

?Really?? Nate asked。 He?d been picturing himself as the only guy with a five o?clock shadow 
taking Algebra I at St。 Jude?s。 But with Serena here; maybe he wouldn?t feel so out of place after 
all。 It would be just like always?except without Blair。Wait; Blair。

 Remember her? 

But maybe he could still go visit Blair on weekends。 People did that; didn?t they? Like having an 
apartment in the city and a house in the country。 When he thought about it that way; it all seemed 
so simple。 Why hadn?t he thought of it before? He could spend weekdays with Serena and 
weekends and holidays with Blair; and everyone would be happy。 

Sounds like he?s thinking with the whole package。 ?Really。? She smiled and he pulled her closer。 

Then; with his breath tickling her ear; he whispered; ?I love you too。? Aw。 So cute。 Unless you?re 
a certain girl with newly implanted Warren Trii extensions。 

v gets in touch with her wild side 


Vanessa shook the golden hair from her face and squared her shoulders before opening the bar?s 
heavy black door。 Coyote Ugly was basically a frat…boy bar ruled by domina…trixlike; Amazonian 
female bartenders in cowboy hats。 The bartenders were also fond of line dancing across the 
surface of the heavy wooden bar; dousing the crowd with water?or beer。 It wasn?t e

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