3A电子书 > 耽美电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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ive thousand persons。
Proclamations were issued; treasuries and storehouses were sealed。 Tao Jun's navy soon melted away without striking a blow。 Wang Jun was greatly elated at his success。 Sima Zhou; Prince of Langye; and General Wang Rong also arrived and congratulated each other。
When Du Yu; the mander…in…Chief; arrived; there were great feastings and rewards for the soldiers。 The granaries were opened and doles of grain issued to the people; so that they also were glad of peace。
Only one city stood out………Jianping; under Governor Wu Yang。 However; he too surrendered when he heard the capital had fallen。
The tidings of all these successes reached Capital Luoyang just at the celebration of the birthday of the Ruler of Jin; and the rejoicings and congratulations were redoubled。 At one of the banquets the Ruler of Jin did honor to the memory of the late Yang Hu。
Raising his wine cup; and in a voice broken by emotion; he said; 〃Today's success is the merit of the Imperial Guardian。 I regret that he is not here to share our rejoicings。〃
In Wu; Sun Xi; General of the Flying Cavalry; went away from the court and wailed; facing the south。
〃Alas; ye blue heavens! What manner of man is this Sun Hao to yield thus the heritage of his family; won by the sword of General Sun Jian the Martially Glorious in the brave days that are past?〃
Meantime the victors marched homeward; and Sun Hao went to Luoyang to present himself at court。 In his capacity of minister; he prostrated himself at the feet of the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty in the Hall of Audience。 He was allowed a seat。
〃I set that seat for you long since;〃 said the Ruler of Jin。
〃Thy servant also set a seat for Your Majesty in the south;〃 retorted Sun Hao。
The Ruler of Jin laughed loudly。
Then Jia Chong turned to Sun Hao and said; 〃I hear; Sir; that when you were in the south; they gouged out people's eyes and flayed their faces。 What crimes were so punished?〃
〃Murders of princes and malicious speech and disloyal conduct were so punished!〃
Jia Chong was silenced; for he was ashamed。
Sun Hao was created Lord of Guiming。 His sons and grandsons received minor ranks and other grades were conferred upon his ministers who had followed him in his surrender。 The sons and grandsons of the late Prime Minister of Wu; Zhang Ti; who had perished in battle; were given ranks。 The victorious leader; Wang Jun; was rewarded with the title General Who Upholds the State。 And many other ranks were conferred to the Jin officers。
The three states now became one empire under the rule of Sima Yan of the Jin Dynasty。 That is domains under heaven; after a long period of union; tends to divide; after a long period of division; tends to unite。
Liu Shan; the Emperor of Shu…Han; passed away in the seventh year of Great Beginning; in Jin calendar (AD 271)。 Cao Huang; the Emperor of Wei; passed away in the first year of Magnificent Peace (AD 302)。 And Sun Hao; the Emperor of Wu; passed away in the fourth year of Prosperous Peace (AD 283)。 All three died of natural causes。
A poet has summed up the history of these stirring years in a poem:

It was the dawning of a glorious day
When first the Founder of the House of Han
Xianyang's proud Palace entered。 Noontide came
When Liu Xiu the imperial rule restored。
Alas; that Liu Xian succeeded in full time
And saw the setting of the sun of power!
He Jin; the feeble; fell beneath the blows
Of Palace minions。 Dong Zhuo; vile though bold;
Then ruled the court。 The plot Wang Yun
To oust him; failed; recoiled on his own head。
The Li Jue and Guo Si lit up the flame of war
And brigands swarmed like ants through all the land。
Then rose the valiant and deployed their might。
Sun Ce carved out a kingdom in the southeast;
North of Yellow River the Yuans strove to make their own。
Liu Zhang went west and seized on Ba and Shu;
Liu Biao laid hold on Jingzhou and Chu;
Zhang Lu; in turn held Hanzhong by force。
Ma Teng and Han Sui kept Xiliang。
Tao Qian and Gongsun Zan built up quarters;
Zhang Xiu and Lu Bu challenged the bold。
But overtopping all Cao Cao the strong
Became first minister; and to his side;
Drew many able people。 He swayed the court;
Without; he held the nobles in his hand;
By force of arms he held the capital
Against all rivals。 Of imperial stock
Was born Liu Bei; who with sworn brothers twain
Made oath the dynasty should be restored。
These wandered homeless east and west for years;
A petty force。 But Destiny was kind
And led Liu Bei to Nanyang's rustic cot;
Where lay Sleeping Dragon; he who
Already that the empire must be rent。
Twice Liu Bei essayed in vain to see the sage
Once more he went? And then his fortune turned。
Jingzhou fell to him; followed the River Lands;
A fitting base to build an empire on。
Alas! He ruled there only three short years;
Then left his only son to Zhuge Liang's care。
Full nobly Zhuge Liang played protector's part;
Unceasing strove to win first place for Shu;
But Fate forbade; one night for aye his star
Went down behind the rampart of the hills。
Jiang Wei the strong inherited his task
And struggled on for years。
But Zhong Hui and Deng Ai
Attacked the Hans' last stronghold; and it fell。
Five sons of Cao Cao sat on the dragon throne;
And Sima Yan snatched the court from Cao Huang。
Before him bowed the kings of Shu and Wu;
Content to forfeit kingly power for life。
All down the ages rings the note of change;
For fate so rules it; none escapes its sway。
The three kingdoms have vanished as a dream;
The useless misery is ours to grieve。
THE END 'e' *
'e' The Three Kingdoms ended here; 60 years after the fall of Han。 Even though the novel ends with a union moment; the empire was actually on the verge of being divided for another 340 years; until Tang Dynasty emerged (AD 618)。 But those are other chapters in history: 〃When the last Han emperor abdicated in 220; each of the warlords proclaimed himself ruler; beginning what is known as the Three Kingdoms Period (220…265)。 The northern state; Wei; was the strongest; but before it had succeeded in unifying the realm; Sima Yan; a Wei general; led a successful coup in 265 and founded the Jin Dynasty。 By 280 he had reunited the north and south; but unity was only temporary; as the Jin princes began fighting among themselves。 The non…Chinese groups of the north seized the opportunity to attack; and by 317 the Jin had lost all control of North China。 For the next 250 years; North China was fractured and ruled by numerous non…Chinese dynasties; while the south was ruled by a sequence of four short…lived Chinese dynasties; all centered at present…day Nanjing 'the city of Shidou; in Jianye'。〃 (from Encarta Encyclopedia)。

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