3A电子书 > 耽美电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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Yan was to be made to shout these words and slain when he least expected it。 Yang Yi knew what was to happen; as it was written in the letter in the silken bag。 A poem says:

Zhuge Liang foresaw when freed from his restraint
Wei Yan would traitor prove。 The silken bag
Contained the plan for his undoing。 We see
How it succeeded when the moment came。

So before Dong Yun had reached Nanzheng; Wei Yan was dead。 Ma Dai joined his army to Jiang Wei's; and Yang Yi wrote another memorial; which he sent to the Latter Ruler。
The Latter Ruler issued an edict: 〃Wei Yan had paid the penalty of his crime。 He should be honorably buried in consideration of his former services。〃
Then Yang Yi continued his journey and in due time arrived at Chengdu with the coffin of the late Prime Minister。 The Latter Ruler led out a large cavalcade of officers to meet the body at a point seven miles from the walls; and he lifted up his voice and wailed for the dead; and with him wailed all the officers and the mon people; so that the sound of mourning filled the whole earth。
By royal mand the body was borne into the city to the palace of the Prime Minister; and his son Zhuge Zhan was chief mourner。
When next the Latter Ruler held a court; Yang Yi bound himself; and confessed he had been in fault。
The Latter Ruler bade them loose his bonds and said; 〃Noble Sir; the coffin would never have reached home but for you。 You carried out the orders of the late Prime Minister; whereby Wei Yan was destroyed and all was made secure。 This was all your doing。〃
Yang Yi was promoted to be the Instructor of the Center Army; and Ma Dai was rewarded with the rank that Wei Yan had forfeited。
Yang Yi presented Zhuge Liang's testament; which the Latter Ruler read; weeping。 By a special edict it was manded that soothsayers should cast lots and select the site for the tomb of the great servant of the state。
Then Fei Yi said to the Latter Ruler; 〃When nearing his end; the Prime Minister manded that he should be buried on Dingjun Mountain; in open ground; without sacrifice or monument。〃
This wish was respected; and they chose a propitious day in the tenth month for the interment; and the Latter Ruler followed in the funeral procession to the grave on the Dingjun Mountain。 The posthumous title conferred upon the late Prime Minister was Zhuge Liang the Loyally Martial; and a temple was built in Mianyang wherein were offered sacrifices at the four seasons。
The poet Du Fu wrote a poem:

To Zhuge Liang stands a great memorial hall;
In cypress shade; outside the Chengdu Wall;
The steps thereto are bright with new grass springing;
Hiding among the branches orioles are singing。
The people and army asked for his wisdoms;
Upon the throne; built for the father; sat the son。
But ere was passed all his plans conceived
He died; and heroes since for him have ever grieved。

Another poem by the same author says:

Zhuge Liang's fair fame stands clear to all the world;
Among king's ministers he surely takes
Exalted rank; for when the empire cleft
In three; a kingdom for his lord he won
By subtle craft。 Throughout all time he stands
A shining figure; clear against the sky。
Akin was he to famous Yi Yin; Lu Wang;
Yet stands with chiefs; like Xiao He; Cao Shen;
The fates forbade that Han should be restored;
War…worn and weary; yet he steadfast stood。

Evil tidings came to the Latter Ruler on his return to his capital。 He heard that Quan Zong had marched out with a large army from Wu and camped at the entrance to Baqiu。 No one knew the object of this expedition。
〃Here is Wu breaking their oath just as the Prime Minister has died;〃 cried the Latter Ruler。 〃What can we do?〃
Then said Jiang Wan; 〃My advice is to send Wang Ping and Zhang Ni to camp at Baidicheng as a measure of precaution; while you send an envoy to Wu to announce the death and period of mourning。 He can there observe the signs of the times。〃
〃The envoy must have a ready tongue;〃 said the Latter Ruler。
One stepped from the ranks of courtiers and offered himself。 He was Zong Yu; a man of Nanyang; a Military Adviser。 So he was appointed as envoy with the missions of announcing the death of the Prime Minister and observing the conditions。
Zong Yu set out for Capital Jianye; arrived and was taken in to the Emperor's presence。 When the ceremony of introduction was over and the envoy looked about him; he saw that all were dressed in mourning。
But Sun Quan's countenance wore a look of anger; and he said; 〃Wu and Shu are one house。 Why has your master increased the guard at Baidicheng?〃
Zong Yu replied; 〃It seemed as necessary for the west to increase the garrison there as for the east to have a force at Baqiu。 Neither is worth asking about。〃
〃As an envoy you seem no way inferior to Deng Zhi;〃 said Sun Quan; smiling。
Sun Quan continued; 〃When I heard that your Prime Minister Zhuge Liang had gone to heaven; I wept daily and ordered my officers to wear mourning。 I feared that Wei might take the occasion to attack Shu; and so I increased the garrison at Baqiu by ten thousand troops that I might be able to help you in case of need。 That was my sole reason。〃
Zong Yu bowed and thanked the Ruler of Wu。
〃I would not go back upon the pledge between us;〃 said Sun Quan。
Zong Yu said; 〃I have been sent to inform you of the mourning for the late Prime Minister。〃
Sun Quan took up a gold…tipped arrow and snapped it in twain; saying; 〃If I betray my oath; may my posterity be cut off!〃
Then the Ruler of Wu dispatched an envoy with incense and silk and other gifts to be offered in sacrifice to the dead in the land of Shu。
Zong Yu and the envoy took leave of the Ruler of Wu and journeyed to Chengdu; where they went to the Latter Ruler。
Zong Yu made a memorial; saying; 〃The Ruler of Wu has wept for our Prime Minister and put his court into mourning。 The increased garrison at Baqiu is intended to safeguard us from Wei; lest they take the occasion of a public sorrow to attack。 And in token of his pledge; the Ruler of Wu broke an arrow in twain。〃
The Latter Ruler was pleased and rewarded Zong Yu。 Moreover; the envoy of Wu was generously treated。
According to the advice in Zhuge Liang's testament; the Latter Ruler made Jiang Wan Prime Minister and Chair of the Secretariat; while Fei Yi became Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Chair of the Secretariat。 Wu Yi was made mander of the Flying Cavalry and mander of Hanzhong; Jiang Wei; General Who Upholds the Han; Lord of Pingxiang; mander…in…Chief; and mander of Hanzhong。
Now as Yang Yi was senior in service to Jiang Wan; who had thus been promoted over his head; and as he considered his services had been inadequately rewarded; he was discontented and spoke resentfully。
He said to Fei Yi; 〃If when the Prime Minister died I had gone over to Wei; with the whole army; I should not have been thus left out in the cold。〃
Fei Yi secretly reported this speech to the Latter Ruler; who was angered and threw Yang Yi into prison。
The Latter Ruler intended putting him to death; but Jiang Wan interceded; saying; 〃Yang Yi had followed the late Prime Minister in many campaigns and had had many good services。 Your Majesty should not put him to death; but take away his rank。〃
And Yang Yi was reprieved。 However; he was degraded and sent into Hanjia in Hanzhong; where he mitted suicide through shame。
In the thirteenth year of Beginning Prosperity of Shu; the same year being the third year of Green Dragon of Wei; and the fourth year of Domestic Peace of Wu (AD 235); there were no military expeditions。 In Wei; Sima Yi was created Grand mander; with mand over all the forces of Wei; and he departed for Luoyang。
The Ruler of Wei; at Xuchang; made preparations to build himself a palace plex。 At Luoyang he also built the Hall of Sunrise; the Hall of the Firmament; and the Hall of plete Patterns; all lofty and of beautiful designs。 He also raised a Hall of Beautiful Passions; a Green Flageolet Tower; and a Phoenix Tower。 He also dug a Nine Dragons Pool。 Over all these works he placed Doctorate Scholar Ma Jun as superintendent of their building。
Nothing was spared that would contribute to the beauty of these buildings。 The beams were carved; the rafters were painted; the walls were of golden bricks; and the roofs of green tiles。 They glittered and glowed in the sunlight。 The most cunning craftspeople in the world were sought; many thousands of them; and myriads of ordinary workers labored day and night on these works for the Emperor's glory and pleasure。 But the strength of the people was spent in this toil; and they cried aloud and plained unceasingly。
Moreover; the Ruler of Wei issued an edict to carry earth and bring trees for the Fragrant Forest Park; and he employed officers of state in these labors; carrying earth and transporting trees。
The Minister of Works; Dong Xun; ventured upon a remonstrance; sending a memorial:
〃From the beginning of Rebuilt Tranquillity Era; a generation ago; wars have been continuous and destruction rife。 Those who have escaped death are few; and these are old and weak。 Now indeed it may be that the palaces are too small and enlargement is desired; but would it not be more fitting to choose the building season so as not to interfere with cultivation? Your Majesty has alway

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