3A电子书 > 耽美电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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rial to his master; saying;
〃Shu has invaded more than once and threatened Changan。 If this state be not destroyed; it will ultimately be our ruin。 The autumn coolness is now here。 The army is in good form; and it is the time most favorable for an attack on Shu。 I desire to take Sima Yi as colleague and march into Hanzhong to exterminate this wretched horde and free the borders from trouble。〃
Personally; the Ruler of Wei approved; but he consulted Liu Ye; saying; 〃Cao Zhen proposes an attack on Shu。 How about that?〃
Liu Ye replied; 〃The Grand mander speaks well。 If that state be not destroyed; it will be to our hurt。 Your Majesty should give effect to his desire。〃
The Ruler of Wei nodded。
When Liu Ye went home; a crowd of officers flocked to inquire; saying; 〃We heard the Emperor has consulted you about an expedition against Shu: What think you?〃
〃No such thing;〃 said Liu Ye。 〃Shu is too difficult a country to invade。 It would be a mere waste of humans and weapons。〃
They left him。 Then Yang Jin went into the Emperor and said; 〃It is said that yesterday Liu Ye advised Your Majesty to fall upon Shu。 Today when we talked with him; he said Shu could not be attacked。 This is treating Your Majesty with indignity; and you should issue a mand to punish him。〃
Wherefore Cao Rui called in Liu Ye and asked him to explain。
Liu Ye replied; 〃I have studied the details。 Shu cannot be attacked。〃
Cao Rui laughed。
In a short time Yang Jin left。
Then Liu Ye said; 〃Yesterday I advised Your Majesty to attack Shu。 That being a matter of state policy should be divulged to no person。 The essential of a military move is secrecy。〃
Then Cao Rui understood; and thereafter Liu Ye was held in greater consideration。
Ten days later Sima Yi came to court; and Cao Zhen's memorial was shown him。
Sima Yi replied; 〃The moment is opportune。 I do not think there is any danger from Wu。〃
Cao Zhen was created Minister of War; General Who Conquers the West; and mander…in…Chief of the Western Expedition; Sima Yi was made Grand mander; General Who Conquers the West; and was second in mand; and Liu Ye was made Instructor of the Army。 These three then left the court; and the army of four hundred thousand troops marched to Changan; intending to dash to Saber Pass and attack Hanzhong。 The army was joined by Guo Huai and Sun Li。
The defenders of Hanzhong brought the news to Zhuge Liang; then quite recovered and engaged in training his army and elaborating the 〃Eight Arrays〃。 All was in an efficient state and ready for an attack on Changan。
When Zhuge Liang heard of the intended attack; he called up Zhang Ni and Wang Ping and gave orders: 〃You are to lead one thousand troops to Chencang and garrison that road so as to check the Wei army。〃
The two replied; 〃It is said the Wei army numbers four hundred thousand; though they pretend to have eight hundred thousand。 But they are very numerous; and a thousand troops is a very small force to meet them。〃
Zhuge Liang replied; 〃I would give you more; but I fear to make it hard for the soldiers。 If there be a failure; I shall not hold you responsible。 I send you thus; you may be sure there is a meaning in it。 I observed the stars yesterday; and I see there will be a tremendous rain this month。 The army of Wei may consist of any number of legions; but they will be unable to penetrate into a mountainous country。 So there is no need to send a large force。 You will e to no harm; and I shall lead the main body into Hanzhong and rest for a month while the enemy retreats。 Then I shall smite them。 My strong army needs only one hundred thousand to defeat their worn four hundred thousand。 Do not say any more; but get off quickly。〃
This satisfied Wang Ping and Zhang Ni; and they left; while Zhuge Liang led the main body out toward Hanzhong。 Moreover; every station was ordered to lay in a stock of wood and straw and grain enough for a whole month's use; ready against the autumn rains。 A month's holiday was given; and food and clothing were issued in advance。 The expedition was postponed for the present。
When Cao Zhen and Sima Yi approached Chencang and entered the city; they could not find a single house。
They questioned some of the people near; who said; 〃Zhuge Liang had burned everything before he left。〃
Then Cao Zhen proposed to advance along the road; but Sima Yi opposed; saying that the stars foretold much rain。
〃I have watched the Heaven; and the stars' movement signals long rains。 If we get deep in a difficult country and are always victorious; it is all very well。 But if we lose; we shall not get out again。 Better remain in this city and build what shelter we can against the rains。〃
Cao Zhen followed his advice。 In the middle of the month the rain began; and came down in a deluge so that the surrounding country was three feet under water。 The equipment of the soldiers was soaked; and the soldiers themselves could get no place to sleep。 For a whole month the rain continued。 The horses could not be fed; and the soldiers grumbled incessantly。 They sent to Luoyang; and the Ruler of Wei himself ceremonially prayed for fine weather; but with no effect。
Minister Wang Su sent up a memorial:
〃The histories say that when supplies have to be conveyed a long distance; the soldiers are starved; if they have to gather brushwood before they can cook; then the army is not full fed。 This applies to ordinary expeditions in an ordinary country。 If; in addition; the army has to march through a difficult country and roads have to be cut; the labor is doubled。 Now this expedition is hindered by rain and steep and slippery hills; movement is cramped and supplies can only be maintained with difficulty。 All is most unpropitious to the army。
〃Cao Zhen has been gone over a month and has only got half through the valley。 Road making is monopolizing all energies; and the fighting soldiers have to work on them。 The state of affairs is the opposite to ideal; and the fighting soldiers dislike it。

'e' King Wu; aka the Martial King; founded the Zhou Dynasty; with the help of the Duke of Zhou; who was his brother。 。。。。。
〃I may quote certain parallels。 King Wu of Zhou attacked the last king of Shang Dynasty; he went through the pass; but returned。 In recent times Emperors Cao and Pi; attacking Sun Quan; reached the river; and went no farther。 Did they not recognize limitations and act accordingly? I pray Your Majesty remember the grave difficulties caused by the rain and put an end to this expedition。 By and by another occasion will arise for using force; and in the joy of overing difficulties the people will forget death。〃
The Ruler of Wei could not make up his mind; but two other memorials by Yang Fu and Hua Xin followed; and then he issued the mand to return; which was sent to Cao Zhen and Sima Yi。
Cao Zhen and Sima Yi had already discussed the abandonment of the expedition。
Cao Zhen had said; 〃We have had rain for a whole month; and the soldiers are downhearted and think only of getting home again。 How can we stop them?〃
Sima Yi replied; 〃Return is best。〃
〃If Zhuge Liang pursue; how shall we repulse him?〃
〃We can leave an ambush。〃
While they were discussing this matter; the Emperor's mand arrived。 Whereupon they faced about and marched homeward。
Now Zhuge Liang had reckoned upon this month of rain and so had had his troops camped in a safe place。 Then he ordered the main army to assemble at Red Slope and camp there。
He summoned his officers to his tent and said; 〃In my opinion the enemy must retire; for the Ruler of Wei will issue such an order。 To retreat needs preparation; and if we pursue; we will fall in their trap。 So we will let them retire without molestation。 Some other plan must be evolved。〃
So when Wang Ping sent news of the retreat of the enemy; the messenger carried back the order not to pursue。

It is only lost labor to cover retreat
When your enemy does not pursue。

By what means Zhuge Liang intended to defeat Wei will be told in the next chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 100 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 100
 Chapter 100
Raiding A Camp; The Shu Soldiers Defeat Cao Zhen;
Contesting Array Battles; Zhuge Liang Shames Sima Yi。
When the Shu officers got to know that the Wei army had gone but they were not to pursue; they were inclined to discontent and went in a body to the Prime Minister's tent and said; 〃The rain has driven the enemy away。 Surely it is the moment to pursue。〃
Zhuge Liang replied; 〃Sima Yi is an able leader who would not retreat without leaving an ambush to cover it。 If we pursue we shall fall victims。 Let him go in peace; and I shall then get through the Xie Valley and take Qishan; making use of the enemy's lack of defense。〃
〃But there are other ways of taking Changan;〃 said they。 〃Why only take Qishan?〃
〃Because Qishan is the first step to Changan; and I want to gain the advantage of position。 And every transportation from the West Valley Land must e this way。 It rests on River Wei in front and is backed by the Xie Valley。 It gives the greatest freedom of movement and is a natural maneuvering ground。 That is why I want it。〃
They bowed to his wisdom。
Then Zhuge Liang dispatched Wei Yan; Zhang Ni; Du Qiong; and Chen Shi for Gu Valley; and he sent Ma Dai; Wang Ping; Zhang 

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