3A电子书 > 耽美电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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wood that Yan Yan's men had spent the time in collecting that now sent forth the flames reaching up to the heavens and filling the valleys。
Yan Yan; after slaying Xiahou De; came round the hill to aid in the attack so that the defenders were taken both in front and rear。 They could do nothing and presently left the battlefield and rushed toward Dingjun Mountain to seek refuge with Xiahou Yuan。
Meanwhile the victors took steps to hold the position they had won and sent the good news of victory to Capital Chengdu。 And when the news arrived; Liu Bei called together all his officers to rejoice。
Then said Fa Zheng; 〃Not long ago Zhang Lu submitted to Cao Cao; and thereby Cao Cao got possession of Hanzhong quite easily。 Instead of following up this by an advance westward; he left two generals to guard it and went south。 That was a mistake。 Now; my lord; do not make a mistake yourself; but take advantage of the present favorable position; with Zhang He newly defeated and Tiandang Mountain captured; to attack Hanzhong and you will have it at once。 Once that is yours; you can train your army and amass supplies ready for a stroke against the arch…rebel himself。 This God…given advantage will be confirmed to you; and you should not miss it。〃
Both Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang saw the wisdom of this scheme and prepared to act。 Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei were to lead the van; while Liu Bei with Zhuge Liang manded the main army of one hundred thousand troops。 A day was chosen to set out; and orders were sent to everyone to keep careful guard for Yizhou。
It was a certain auspicious day in the seventh month of the twenty…third year that the army marched (AD 218)。 Reaching Jiameng Pass; Huang Zhong and Yan Yan were summoned and well rewarded for their services。
Liu Bei said to Huang Zhong; 〃People said you were old; General; but the Directing Instructor of the army know you better than they; and you have rendered amazing service。 Still; Dingjun Mountain is yet to be captured; and it is both a great central store and a major defense of Nanzheng。 If we could get Dingjun Mountain; we could be quite easy about the whole region of Hanzhong。 Think you that you are equal to taking Dingjun Mountain?〃
To this harangue of Liu Bei; the veteran nobly answered that he was willing to try and was ready to start when they would。
Said Zhuge Liang hastily; 〃Do not be hasty。 You are brave enough; General; but Xiahou Yuan is a man of different stamp from Zhang He。 Xiahou Yuan is a real strategist and tactician; so much so that Cao Cao relies upon him as his defense against Xiliang。 It was he who was set to defend Changan when threatened by Ma Chao。 Now he is in Hanzhong; and Cao Cao puts his whole confidence in him and his skill as a leader。 You have overe Zhang He; but it is not certain you will conquer this man。 I think I must send down to Jingzhou for Guan Yu for this task。〃

'e' Lian Po was the mander…in…chief of Zhao; who made Zhao a powerful state。 Liu Xiangru; the Prime Minister; was his good friend。 。。。。。
Huang Zhong hotly replied; 〃Old Lian Po* was eighty years old and yet he ate a bushel of rice and ten pounds of flesh; so that his vigor frightened the nobles and not one dared encroach upon the borders of the state of Zhao。 I am not yet seventy。 You call me old; O Instructor; then I will not take any helper; but go out simply with my own three thousand troops; and we will lay Xiahou Yuan's head at your feet。〃
Zhuge Liang refused to allow him to go; Huang Zhong insisted。 At last Zhuge Liang consented; but said he would send an overseer。

They put upon his mettle the man who was to go;
Youth's vigor may be lesser worth than age's powers; we know。

The next chapter will tell who the overseer was。
 Main Next to Chapter 71 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 71
 Chapter 71
At Opposite Hill; Huang Zhong Scores A Success;
On The River Han; Zhao Yun Conquers A Host。
〃If you are really determined to undertake this expedition; I shall send Fa Zheng with you;〃 said Zhuge Liang to the veteran leader。 〃You will have to discuss everything with him。 I shall also dispatch supports and reinforcements。〃
Huang Zhong agreed; and the expedition set out。
Then Zhuge Liang explained to Liu Bei; 〃I purposely tried to spur on the old general that he will really exert himself; else he fears he will not do much。 But he will need reinforcement。〃
After this; Zhuge Liang ordered Zhao Yun to march after the first army and help; if help was needed。 So long as the old man was victorious; Zhao Yun was to do nothing; if he was in difficulties; then Zhao Yun was to rescue。
Also; three thousand troops under Liu Feng and Meng Da were sent out among the hills to take position at strategic points and set up many banners and make a brave show in order to spread the impression of huge forces; and so frighten and perplex the enemy。 In addition; Zhuge Liang sent to Xiabian Pass to tell Ma Chao what part to play in the campaign。 Yan Yan was to hold Langzhong and Baxi in place of Zhang Fei and Wei Yan; who also went in expedition in Hanzhong。
The refugees; Zhang He and Xiahou Shang; reached Xiahou Yuan's camp and told their doleful tale; 〃Tiandang Mountain has been captured; and Xiahou De and Han Hao have died with the loss。 Liu Bei is about to invade Hanzhong。 Send a swift messenger to inform the Prince of Wei and ask for help。〃
The news was sent to Cao Hong; who bore it quickly to Capital Xuchang。
Cao Cao lost no time in calling a council。
Then High Minister Liu Ye said; 〃The loss of Hanzhong would shake the whole Middle Land。 You; O Prince; must not shrink from toil and hardship; but must yourself go to lead the army。〃
〃This state of things es of my not heeding your words before; gentle Sir;〃 said Cao Cao; then repentant。
However; Cao Cao hastily prepared and issued an edict to raise an army of four hundred thousand troops which he would lead。
The army was ready in the seventh month; the early autumn; in the twenty…third year (AD 218); and marched in three divisions。 The leading division was under Xiahou Dun; Cao Cao manded the center; and Cao Xiu was the rear guard。
Cao Cao rode a white horse; beautifully caparisoned。 His guards were clad in embroidered silk。 They carried the huge red parasol woven of silk and gold threads。 Beside him in two lines were the symbols of kingly dignity; the golden melons; silver axes; stirrups; clubs; spears; and lances; banderoles embroidered with the sun and moon; dragon and phoenix; all were borne aloft。 His imperial escort of twenty…five thousand stout warriors led by bold officers; marched in five columns of five thousand each; under banners of the five colors; blue; yellow; red; white; and black。 The five panies made a brave show as they marched; each column under its own flag with soldiers in armors and horses in caparisons all of one color and all glittering in the sun。
As they debouched through Tong Pass; Cao Cao noticed in the distance a thick wood; very luxuriant; and asked those near him what it was called。
〃This place is the Indigo Field;〃 they replied。 〃And in that wood is the estate of the late Minister Cai Yong。 His daughter; Cai Yan; and her present husband; Dong Si; live there。〃

'e' There is a drawing by Zhang Yu titled 〃Cai Yan Returns to Her Homeland〃。 。。。。。
Now Cao Cao and Cai Yong had been excellent friends at one time。 Cai Yong's daughter had been first married to Wei Zhongdao。 Then she was abducted by the frontier tribes and taken away to the north; where she had borne two sons。 She had posed a ballad called 〃Eighteen Stanzas for the Mongol Flageolet;〃 which was widespread to the empire。 Cao Cao had been moved by pity for her sorrows and sent a messenger with a thousand ounces of gold to ransom her。 The Prince of the frontier Xiongnu State; Ce Xian the Khan; overawed by Cao Cao's strength; had restored her to Cai Yong。 Then Cao Cao gave her in marriage to Dong Si。*
Ordering his escort to march on; Cao Cao went up to the gate with only a few attendants; dismounted; and inquired after the lady of the house。 At this time Dong Si was absent at his post; and the lady was alone。 As soon as she heard who her visitor was; she hastened to wele him and led him into the reception room。 When Cao Cao was seated and she had performed the proper salutations; she stood respectfully at his side。 Glancing round the room; Cao Cao saw a rubbing of a tablet hanging on the wall。 So he got up to read it; and asked his hostess about it。
〃It is a tablet of Cao E; or the fair Lady Cao。 In the time of the Emperor He (AD 100); in the Xiongnu State there was a certain magician named Cao Xu; who could dance and sing like the very Spirit of Music。 On the fifth of the fifth month he was out in a boat; and being intoxicated; fell overboard and was drowned。 He had a daughter; Cao E; then fourteen years of age。 She was greatly distressed and sought the body of her father for seven days and nights; weeping all the while。 Then she threw herself into the waves; and five days later she floated to the surface with her father's body in her arms。 The villagers buried them on the bank; and the magistrate reported the occurrence to the Emperor as a worthy instance of daughterly affection and remarkable piety。
〃A later magistrate had the s

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