3A电子书 > 耽美电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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ll lead a thousand swordsmen who are to cut the horses。 When Zhang Ren has lost most of his troops and horses; he will flee by the hill road; where he will fall into an ambush of Zhang Fei。〃
Next Zhao Yun was called and given order; 〃You are to lie in ambush close to the bridge; which you shall destroy as soon as Zhang Ren has crossed。 After that; you shall take up a position beyond the bridge to prevent him from getting away to the north。 Forced to the south; Zhang Ren will fall into our hand。〃
These arrangements made; Zhuge Liang himself went to challenge the enemy and try to bring them to battle。
Imperial Protector Liu Zhang had sent two generals; Zhang Yi and Zhuo Ying; to reinforce Zhang Ren。 Zhang Ren sent Zhang Yi to the help of Liu Gui in the city; while Zhuo Ying was to march second with Zhang Ren himself to encounter the enemy。
Zhuge Liang led across the bridge a mob of disorderly looking soldiers; all in disarray; whom he drew up as if they were a fighting force。 He himself; dressed in a simple robe and toying with a fan; took his seat in a small four…wheeled carriage。 A few horsemen caracoling gaily to and fro formed his escort。
Having crossed the bridge; Zhuge Liang halted and pointed to Zhang Ren; saying; 〃Dare you withstand me and not surrender when Cao Cao's million troops fled at my name?〃
But the enemy leader was rather occupied with inspecting the disorderly lot of soldiers he saw in front; all standing anyhow and not drawn up into formation at all。
With a cynical smile; Zhang Ren said; 〃People talk of Zhuge Liang's superhuman military genius。 I say his reputation is false。〃
With that Zhang Ren whirled his spear about his head; and he dashed forward with all his troops。 As he came; Zhuge Liang left his carriage; mounted a horse; and retired to the far side of the bridge。 Zhang Ren impetuously pursued and rushed over the Golden Goose Bridge。 It was only when he had reached the other side that he saw a body of soldiers on either hand。 Then he knew that he had been led into a trap。
As soon as he had got across the bridge; the two bodies of soldiers under Liu Bei and Yan Yan came to the attack。 Zhang Ren turned to get back to the bridge; but Zhao Yun had done his work and the bridge was in ruins。 Zhang Ren made to turn sway north; but Zhao Yun's troops stopped the way so he had to turn southward and followed the course of the river。 He presently reached the place where grew the reeds and sedges。 Out came Wei Yan and his pany of spearmen; who stabbed at the horsemen fiercely while Huang Zhong; with his swordsmen; cut down the horses。 Soldiers and horses were soon lying on the ground。 The few survivors were quickly made prisoners and bound with cords。
No footman escaped。 But a few lucky horsemen followed Zhang Ren and got away to the hills。 There they met Zhang Fei; who fell upon them with a mighty roar; scattered the few followers; and captured the leader。 Seeing Zhang Ren a prisoner; his second in mand Zhuo Ying turned toward Zhao Yun and surrendered。 Victorious; they returned to camp。 Liu Bei rewarded Zhuo Ying。
When the leader Zhang Ren was led in by Zhang Fei; Zhuge Liang was seated beside his lord。
〃Why have you held out so long after all the other generals of Yizhou have yielded?〃 said Liu Bei。
〃Can a loyal servant take a second master?〃 cried Zhang Ren fiercely; his eyes glaring with hate。
〃You do not know the times。 Submission means life。〃
〃I might submit today; but it would not endure。 I should repent it。 You had better slay me。〃
Liu Bei was inclined to mercy; but the prisoner was irreconcilable and kept up a stream of furious abuse。 So at last the order was given for his execution; thus giving him a right to fame。
A poem says:

No second lord the heroic servant knows;
The way of death Zhang Ren contented goes。
Clear shines his fame as doth the heavenly moon
That nightly lights the ramparts of Luocheng Town。

Liu Bei grieved for Zhang Ren; although Zhang Ren had been an enemy; for he was a brave man。 Zhang Ren was given honorable burial; sepulture beside the Golden Goose Bridge; where all the passers…by would be reminded of his loyalty。
Next day the army moved on to Luocheng; Yan Yan and the other generals who had submitted leading the way。
At the gate they hailed the defenders; 〃Open the gates and surrender; whereby the city should be saved from utter destruction!〃
From the wall; Liu Gui abused the treacherous Yan Yan and took his bow to shoot。 But just as Liu Gui was fitting the arrow to the string; another man cut him down。 Soon the gates were thrown open and the city had yielded。
As Liu Bei entered the city by one gate; Liu Xun; who had shared the mand of the city; escaped by another gate and set off for Chengdu。
Liu Bei put forth proclamations to allay the fears of the inhabitants of the city。 He inquired who had been on his side in cutting down Liu Gui and was told it was Zhang Yi of Wuyang。 Zhang Yi and all who had helped in the capture were amply rewarded。
〃Our next city is Chengdu;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃However; in the meantime there may be some trouble in pacifying the outlying counties; and hence it will be well for you to send Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun with Wu Yi; Zhang Yi; Yan Yan; and Zhuo Ying leading the way; into the country along the river and Changyang; Deyang; and Baxi to reassure the people and to repress any rising that may take place。 There will be no need for any especial precautions in the neighborhood of Chengdu。〃
The warriors went their ways; and then Zhuge Liang began to make careful inquiries concerning the road to Chengdu。
Those who had given in their allegiance to the invaders said; 〃The only place where you can expect any serious defense is Mianzhu。 Once you have passed this; the capital lies at your mercy。〃
Then Fa Zheng was consulted。
Said he; 〃With the fall of Luocheng; the West River Land passed to you。 Let our lord only deal with the people kindly and justly; and there will be no need of weapons。 I can write such a letter to Imperial Protector Liu Zhang as shall make him surrender at call。〃
〃That would be most excellent;〃 said Zhuge Liang。
The letter was written and sent by the hand of a messenger。
Liu Xun; son of the Imperial Protector; presently reached Chengdu and told his father of the loss of Luocheng。 The Imperial Protector at once called his counselors together。
Adviser Zheng Du said; 〃Although Liu Bei has been successful and captured cities and towns; yet his army is but small; his hosts are not near him; and he depends upon chance for his grain and has no proper supplies。 Therefore our best plan is to remove the people of Baxi and Zitong to the farther side of River Fu; burn all the granaries; fortify the city; and let starvation defeat him。 Let us reject all challenges to battle; and in a hundred days his troops will go off of their own accord。 Then we can do with him as we will。〃
〃I like not the plan;〃 said Liu Zhang。 〃Oppose invaders in order that tranquillity may prevail is a well…worn maxim; but till now I have never heard of disturbing the people in order to oppose the march of an enemy。 Your words are not such as safety。〃
Just at the moment the letter from Fa Zheng arrived。 It was opened and the Imperial Protector read:
〃I was sent to Jingzhou to negotiate an alliance; but the opposition of those about you to their lord has resulted in the present situation。 However; the ruler of Jingzhou still remembers old friendship and is mindful of the ties of relationship。 If you; my master; could reverse your policy and lend your support to your relative; I think you would be generously treated。 I hope you will consider this carefully。〃
Liu Zhang flew into a passion。 He tore the letter to fragments and began to abuse its writer; crying; 〃That traitor; ingrate; and renegade! How dares he talk thus to me?〃
And Liu Zhang drove the bearer of the letter from his presence。 He then sent an army under the leadership of Fei Guan; his wife's brother; to reinforce Mianzhu。
Fei Guan at once remended as his assistant one Li Yan of Nanyang; and the two mustered their troops; thirty thousand; and set out for the city。
At this juncture Dong He; the Governor of Yizhou City; wrote advising to borrow aid from Hanzhong。
But Liu Zhang rejected this plan; saying; 〃It will be useless to try to obtain help from a region under the influence of our relentless enemy Zhang Lu。〃
Dong He replied; 〃He may be an enemy; but Liu Bei is in possession of Luocheng; and the situation is extremely dangerous。 When the lips are gone; the teeth are cold。 If you clearly indicate the dangers to him; he must e to our help。〃
So a letter was written and sent to Hanzhong。
Two years had elapsed since Ma Chao had been defeated and gone over to the Qiang tribes in the northwest。 He had made friends with them and with their aid had conquered portions of the West Valley Land。 His expeditions had been very successful; the people opening their gates at the first summons。 Only Jicheng had stood out; but ever this was on the point of yielding。 The Governor of Jicheng; Wei Kang; had sent many urgent appeals for help to Xiahou Yuan in Changan; who; however; would do nothing without his master's order。 Wei Kang was in despair; and at a council his officers advised him to yield。
However; o

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