3A电子书 > 耽美电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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About midnight the Magistrate sent a trusty servant to bring the prisoner into his private rooms for interrogation。
〃They say the Prime Minister treated you well。 Why did you try to harm him?〃 said Magistrate。
〃How can swallows and sparrows understand the flight of the crane and the wild goose? I am your prisoner and to be sent to the capital for a reward。 Why so many questions?〃
The Magistrate sent away the attendants and turning to the prisoner said; 〃Do not despise me。 I am no mere hireling; only I have not yet found the lord to serve。〃
Said Cao Cao; 〃My ancestors enjoyed the bounty of Han; and should I differ from a bird or a beast if I did not desire to repay them with gratitude? I have bowed the knee to Dong Zhuo that thereby I might find an opportunity against him; and so remove this evil from the state。 I have failed for this time。 Such is the will of Heaven。〃
〃And where are you going?〃
〃Home to my county。 Thence I shall issue a summons calling all the bold people to e with forces to kill the tyrant。 This is my desire。〃
Thereupon the Magistrate himself loosened the bonds of the prisoner; led him to the upper seat; and bowed; saying; 〃I am called Chen Gong。 My aged mother and family are in the east county of Dongjun。 I am deeply affected by your loyalty and uprightness; and I will abandon my office and follow you!〃
Cao Cao was delighted with this turn of affairs。 Chen Gong at once collected some money for the expenses of their journey and gave Cao Cao a different dress。 Then each took a sword and rode away toward Qiao。
Three days later at eventide they reached Chenggao。 Cao Cao pointed with his whip to a hamlet deep in the woods and said; 〃There lives my uncle; Lu Boshe; a sworn…brother of my father。 Suppose we go and ask news of my family and seek shelter for the night?〃
〃Excellent!〃 said his panion Chen Gong; and they rode over; dismounted at the farm gate and entered。
Lu Boshe greeted them and said to Cao Cao; 〃I hear the government has sent stringent orders on all sides to arrest you。 Your father has gone into hiding to Chenliu。 How has this all e about?〃
Cao Cao told him and said; 〃Had it not been for this man here with me; I should have been already hacked to pieces。〃
Lu Boshe bowed low to Chen Gong; saying; 〃You are the salvation of the Cao family。 But be at ease and rest; I will find you a bed in my humble cottage。〃
Lu Boshe then rose and went into the inner chamber where he stayed a long time。 When he came out; he said; 〃There is no good wine in the house。 I am going over to the village to get some for you。〃
And he hastily mounted his donkey and rode away。 The two travelers sat a long time。 Suddenly they heard at the back of the house the sound of sharpening a knife。
Cao Cao said to Chen Gong; 〃He is not my real uncle。 I am beginning to doubt the meaning of his going off。 Let us listen。〃
So they silently stepped out into a straw hut at the back。
Presently someone said; 〃Bind before killing; eh?〃
〃As I thought;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃Now unless we strike first; we shall be taken!〃
Suddenly Cao Cao and Chen Gong dashed in; sword in hand; and slew the whole household male and female; in all eight persons。
After this they searched the house。 In the kitchen they found a pig bound ready to kill。
〃You were too suspicious;〃 said Chen Gong; 〃and we have slain honest folks!〃
Cao Cao and Chen Gong at once mounted and rode away。 Soon they met their host Lu Boshe ing home; and over the saddle in front of him they saw two vessels of wine。 In his hands he carried fruits and vegetables。
〃Why are you going; Sirs?〃 Lu Boshe called to them。
〃Wanted people dare not linger;〃 said Cao Cao。
〃But I have bidden them kill a pig! Why do you refuse my poor hospitality? I pray you ride back with me。〃
Cao Cao paid no heed; urging his horse forward。 But he suddenly drew his sword and rode back after Lu Boshe。
〃Who is that ing along?〃 called Cao Cao。
Lu Boshe turned and looked back; and Cao Cao at the same instant cut Lu Boshe down。
Chen Gong was frightened。
〃We were wrong enough before;〃 cried Chen Gong。 〃What now is this?〃
〃When he got home and saw his family killed; think you he would bear it patiently? If he had raised an alarm and followed us; we should have been killed。〃
〃To kill deliberately is very wrong;〃 said Chen Gong。

'e' Karl; a reader: 〃True; true。。。。 'Cao Cao' has to do what he can to preserve the life of his saviour 'Chen Gong'; and continue the grand task; which is much more important than the lives of a few friends of his father。 More lives will be lost in affairs of the state。 Cao Cao is realistic; logical。 Throughout the story; he just demonstrates the most appropriate path; for the grander purposes。〃 。。。。。
'e' Matteo; a reader: 〃I think that Cao Cao is the Machiavelli's Prince。。。 We cannot say he was cruel or evil。。。 He is; and Luo Guanzhong said the same in the first chapter of the book; the man for this moment of war and revolt。。。 that's all。〃 。。。。。
〃Rather we let down the world than the world let us down!〃 was the reply。*
Chen Gong only thought。 They rode on some distance by moonlight and presently knocked up an inn for shelter。 Having first fed their horses; Cao Cao was soon asleep; but Chen Gong lay thinking。
〃I took him for a true man and left all to follow him; but he is as cruel as a wolf。 If I spare him; he will do more harm later;〃 thought Chen Gong。
And Chen Gong rose intending to kill his panion。

In his heart lie cruelty and venom; he is no true man;
In nought does he differ from his enemy Dong Zhuo。

The further fortunes of Cao Cao will be told in later chapters。
 Main Next to Chapter 5 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 5
 Chapter 5
Cao Cao Appeals To The Powerful Lords;
The Three Brothers Fight Against Lu Bu。
At the close of the last chapter; Chen Gong was about to slay Cao Cao。 But Chen Gong reflected; 〃I joined him to do righteous things。 Now if I killed him; I would only do unrighteousness; and the people would condemn me。 I rather leave in silence。〃
Rising from his bed before the sunrise; Chen Gong mounted his horse and rode away eastward to his home county of Dongjun。
Cao Cao awoke with the day and missed his panion。 Thought he; 〃Chen Gong thinks me brutal because of a couple of egoistic phrases I used; and so he has gone。 I ought to push on too and not linger here。〃
So Cao Cao traveled as quickly as possible toward Qiao。 When he saw his father; he related what had happened and said he wanted to dispose of all the family property and enlist soldiers with the money。
〃Our possessions are but small;〃 said his father; 〃and not enough to do anything with。 However; there is a graduate here; one Wei Hong; careless of wealth but careful of virtue; whose family is very rich。 With his help we might hope for success。〃
A feast was prepared; and Wei Hong was invited。
Cao Cao made him a speech: 〃The Hans have lost their lordship; and Dong Zhuo is really a tyrant。 He flouts his prince and is cruel to the people; who gnash their teeth with rage。 I would restore the Hans; but my means are insufficient。 Sir; I appeal to your loyalty and public spirit。〃
Wei Hong replied; 〃I have long desired this but; so far; have not found a person fit to undertake the task。 Since you; Cao Cao; have so noble a desire; I willingly devote all my property to the cause。〃
This was joyful news; and the call to arms was forthwith prepared and sent far and near。 So they established a corps of volunteers and set up a large white recruiting banner with the words Loyalty and Honor inscribed thereon。 The response was rapid; and volunteers came in like rain drops in number。

'e' Xiahou Ying (?…173) a major general of Liu Bang。 Ennobled as the Marquis of Ruyin and monly called the Lord of Tang。 。。。。。
One day came a certain Yue Jing from Yangping and another Li Dian from Julu。 These two were appointed to Cao Cao's personal staff。 Another was one Xiahou Dun from Qiao。 He was descended from Xiahou Ying* of old。 Xiahou Dun had been trained from his early boyhood to use the spear and the club。 When only fourteen he had been attached to a certain master…in…arms。 One day one person spoke disrespectfully of his master; and Xiahou Dun killed that person。 For this deed; however; he had to flee and had been an exile for some time。 Now he came to offer his services; acpanied by his cousin Xiahou Yuan。 Each brought a thousand trained soldiers。 Really these two were brothers of Cao Cao by birth; since Cao Cao's father was originally of the Xiahou family; and had only been adopted into the Cao family。
A few days later came Cao Cao's two cousins; Cao Ren and Cao Hong; each with one thousand followers。 These two were acplished horsemen and trained in the use of arms。
Then drill began; and Wei Hong spent his treasure freely in buying clothing; armor; flags; and banners。 From all sides poured in gifts of grain。
When Yuan Shao received Cao Cao's call to arms; he collected all those under his mand to the number of thirty thousand。 Then he marched from Bohai to Qiao to take the oath to Cao Cao。 Next a manifesto was issued:
〃Cao Cao and his associates; moved by a sense of duty; now make this proclamation。 Dong Zhuo defies Heaven and Earth。 He is destroying the state and injuring his prince。 He pol

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