3A电子书 > 耽美电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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rested aside and replaced by pretense; the foundation of the state crumbling away; hordes of braves creating confusion in the country; and an evil cabal behaving unseemly toward the rightful Prince; then his heart and gall are torn to shreds。 Though he has a real desire to assist; yet is he deficient in the needful skill。 Wherefore he turns to the Master; trusting in his kindness; graciousness; loyalty; and righteousness。 Would the Master but use his talent; equal to that of Lu Wang; and perform great deeds like Zhang Liang; then would the empire be happy and the throne would be secure。
〃This is written to tell you that; after purification of mind with fasting and of body with fragrant baths; Liu Bei will e again to prostrate himself in your honored presence and receive enlightenment〃
The letter written and given to Zhuge Jun; Liu Bei took his leave; exceedingly disappointed at this second failure。
As he was mounting; he saw the serving lad waving his hand outside the hedge and heard him call out; 〃The old Master is ing!〃
Liu Bei looked and then saw a figure seated on a donkey leisurely jogging along over a bridge。
The rider of the donkey wore a cap with long flaps down to his shoulders; and his body was wrapped in a fox fur robe。 A youth followed him bearing a jar of wine。 As he came through the snow he hummed a song:

〃This is eve; the sky is overcast;
The north wind es with icy blast;
Light snowflakes whirl down until
A white pall covers dale and hill。
Perhaps above the topmost sky
White dragons strive for mastery;
The armor scales from their forms riven
Are scattered over the world wind…driven。
Amid the storm there jogs along
A simple wight who croons a song。
'O poor plum trees; the gale doth tear
Your blossoms off and leave you bare。'〃

〃Here at last is Sleeping Dragon;〃 thought Liu Bei; hastily slipping out of the saddle。
He saluted the donkey rider as he neared and said; 〃Master; it is hard to make way against this cold wind。 I and my panions have been waiting long。〃
The rider got off his donkey and returned the bow; while Zhuge Jun from behind said; 〃This is not my brother。 It is his father…in…law Huang Chenyan。〃
Liu Bei said; 〃I chanced to hear the song you were singing。 It is very beautiful。〃
Huang Chenyan replied; 〃It is a little poem I read in my son in…law's house; and I recalled it as I crossed the bridge and saw the plum trees in the hedge。 And so it happened to catch your ear; Noble Sir。〃
〃Have you seen your son…in…law lately?〃 asked Liu Bei。
〃That is just what I have e to do now。〃
At this Liu Bei bade him farewell and went on his way。 The storm was very grievous to bear; but worse than the storm was the grief in his heart as he looked back at Sleeping Dragon Ridge。

One winter's day through snow and wind
A prince rode forth the sage to find;
Alas! His journey was in vain;
And sadly turned he home again。
The stream stood still beneath the bridge
A sheet of ice draped rock and ridge;
His steed benumbed with biting cold
But crawled as he were stiff and old。
The snowflakes on the rider's head
Were like pear…blossoms newly shed;
Or like the willow…catkins light
They brushed his cheek in headlong flight。
He stayed his steed; he looked around;
The snow lay thick on tree and mound;
The Sleeping Dragon Ridge lay white
A hill of silver; glistening bright。

After the return to Xinye; the time slipped away till spring was near。 Then Liu Bei cast lots to find the propitious day for another journey in search of Zhuge Liang。 The day being selected; he fasted for three days and then changed his dress ready for the visit。 His two brothers viewed the preparations with disapproval and presently made up their minds to remonstrate。

The sage and the fighting generals never agree;
A warrior despises humility。

The next chapter will tell what they said。
 Main Next to Chapter 38 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 38
 Chapter 38
Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms;
Sun Quan Attacks Xiakou To Take Revenges。
Nothing discouraged by two unsuccessful visits to the retreat of the sage whose advice he sought to secure; Liu Bei made preparations for a third visit。
His brothers disapproved; and Guan Yu said; 〃Brother; you have sought him twice。 Surely this is showing even too much deference。 I do not believe in this fame of his for learning。 He is avoiding you and dare not submit to the test。 Why so obstinately hold this idea?〃

'e' Guan Zhong was priminister of Duke Huan of Qi。 Guan Zhong made Qi a powerful state during the Spring and Autumn period。 。。。。。
'e' Lu Wang was a master strategist; founding minister of Zhou Dynasty; counselor to King Wen。 Before joining King Wen; Lu Wang had been a fisher; who mediated on the river bank on political events。 。。。。。
〃You are wrong; my brother。 In the Spring and Autumn Period Prince Huan of Qi paid five visits to the Eastern Suburb before he got to see Guan Zhong*。 And my desire to see Zhuge Liang is even greater than his。〃
〃I think you are mistaken;〃 said Zhang Fei。 〃How can this villager be such a marvel of wisdom? You should not go again and; if he will not e; I will bring him with a hempen rope。〃
〃Have you forgotten the great King Wen's visit to Lu Wang*; the old man of the River Wei? If King Wen could show such deference to a wise man; where am I too deferential? If you will not go; your brother and I will go without you;〃 said Liu Bei。
〃If you two go; how can I hang back?〃 said Zhang Fei。
〃If you go; then you must be polite。〃
Zhang Fei said he would not forget himself; and the three set out。 When they were a quarter of mile from the little cottage; Liu Bei dismounted; deciding to show his respect by approaching the house on foot。 Very soon he met Zhuge Jun; whom he saluted with great deference; inquiring whether his brother was at home。
〃He returned last evening。 You can see him today; General。〃
As Zhuge Jun said this; he went off with some swagger。
〃Fortune favors me this time;〃 said Liu Bei。 〃I am going to see the Master。〃
〃That was a rude fellow;〃 said Zhang Fei。 〃It would not have hurt him to have conducted us to the house。 Why did he go off like that?〃
〃Each one has his own affairs;〃 said Liu Bei。 〃What power have we over him?〃
Soon the three stood at the door; and they knocked。 The serving lad came out and asked their business。
Liu Bei said very deferentially; 〃I would trouble the servant of the genius; gentle page; to inform the Master that Liu Bei wishes to pay his respects to him。〃
〃My master is at home; but he is asleep。〃
〃In that case do not announce me。〃
Liu Bei bade his two brothers wait at the door quietly; and he himself entered with careful steps。 There was the man he sought; lying asleep on the couch; stretched on a simple mat。 Liu Bei saluted him with joined hands at a respectful distance。
The time passed and still the sleeper did not wake。 The two brothers left without; beginning to feel impatient; also came in; and Zhang Fei was annoyed at seeing his revered elder brother respectfully standing by while another slept。
〃What an arrogant fellow is this Master?〃 said he。 〃There is our brother waiting; while he sleeps on perfectly carelessly。 I will go to the back of the place and let off a bomb and see if that will rouse him。〃
〃No; no; you must do nothing of the kind;〃 whispered Guan Yu; and then Liu Bei told them to go out again。
Just then Liu Bei noticed that the Master moved。 He turned over as though about to rise; but; instead; he faced the wall and again fell asleep。 The serving lad made as if he would rouse his master; but Liu Bei forbade him to be disturbed; and Liu Bei waited yet another weary hour。 Then Zhuge Liang woke up repeating to himself the lines:

〃Can any know what fate is his?
Yet have I felt throughout my life;
The day would e at last to quit
The calm retreat for toil and strife。〃

As he finished; he turned to the lad; saying; 〃Have any of the usual people e?〃
〃Liu Bei; the Uncle of the Emperor is here;〃 said the boy。 〃He has been waiting a long time。〃
〃Why did you not tell me?〃 said he; rising from the couch。 〃I must dress。〃
Zhuge Liang rose and turned into a room behind to dress。 In a short time he reappeared; his clothing properly arranged; to receive his visitor。
Then Liu Bei saw ing toward him a young man of medium height with a refined face。 He wore a head…wrap and a long crane…white gown。 He moved with much dignity as though he was rather more than mortal。
Liu Bei bowed; saying; 〃I am one of the offshoots of the Han family; a simple person from Zhuo。 I have long known the Master's fame; which has indeed thundered in my ear。 Twice I have e to visit you; without success。 Once I left my name on your writing table。 You may have my note。〃
Zhuge Liang replied; 〃This hermit is but a dilatory person by temperament。 I know I have to thank you for more than one vain visit; and I am ashamed to think of them。〃
These courteous remarks and the proper bows exchanged; the two men sat in their relative positions as host and guest; and the serving lad brought tea。
Then Zhuge Liang said; 〃From your letter I know that you grieve for both people and government。 If I were not so young and if I possessed any talent; I would venture to question you。〃
Liu Bei repl

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